Quick start#

This page provides a quick overview of tstrait. We will be using sim_phenotype() to demonstrate how quantitative traits can be simulated in tstrait.

To work with the examples, you will need to install msprime and matplotlib in addition to tstrait.

Learning Objectives

After this quick start page, you will be able to:

  • Understand how to simulate quantitative traits in tstrait

  • Understand how to read the output of tstrait


The main objective of tstrait is to simulate quantitative traits from a tree sequence input. The important inputs of sim_phenotype() are:


The tree-sequence input with mutation


Number of causal sites


The trait model where the effect sizes are going to be simulated


Narrow-sense heritability


import tstrait
import msprime

ts = msprime.sim_ancestry(
ts = msprime.sim_mutations(ts, rate=1e-8, random_seed=101)

Here, we have simulated a sample tree sequence with 10,000 individuals in msprime. We will be using it in sim_phenotype() to simulate quantitative traits.

model = tstrait.trait_model(distribution="normal", mean=0, var=1)
sim_result = tstrait.sim_phenotype(
    ts=ts, num_causal=100, model=model, h2=0.3, random_seed=1

The sim_result variable created above contains simulated information of phenotypes and traits, which will be shown below.

Trait Dataframe#

Simulated traits from sim_phenotype() can be extracted through .trait.

trait_df = sim_result.trait
position site_id effect_size causal_allele allele_freq trait_id
0 736 7 0.332814 C 0.00005 0
1 1901 10 -0.651281 T 0.00035 0
2 2424 12 0.862445 C 0.00225 0
3 3095 17 -0.125592 T 0.49985 0
4 4999 24 0.669153 T 0.00015 0

The trait_df is a pandas.DataFrame object that includes the following 6 columns:

  • position: Position of sites that have causal allele in genome coordinates.

  • site_id: Site IDs that have causal allele.

  • effect_size: Simulated effect size of causal allele.

  • causal_allele: Causal allele.

  • allele_freq: Allele frequency of causal allele.

  • trait_id: Trait ID that will be used in multi-trait simulation (See Multi-trait simulation for details).

Phenotype Output#

Simulated phenotypes from sim_phenotype() can be extracted through .phenotype.

phenotype_df = sim_result.phenotype
trait_id individual_id genetic_value environmental_noise phenotype
0 0 0 7.013984 1.782352 8.796336
1 0 1 9.072514 4.237500 13.310014
2 0 2 4.096638 1.704231 5.800869
3 0 3 4.860104 -6.721040 -1.860936
4 0 4 6.569804 4.669378 11.239182

The phenotype_df is a pandas.DataFrame object that includes the following 5 columns:

  • trait_id: Trait ID and will be used in multi-trait simulation.

  • individual_id: Individual ID inside the tree sequence input.

  • genetic_value: Genetic value of individuals.

  • environmental_noise: Simulated environmental noise of individuals.

  • phenotype: Simulated phenotype, and it is a sum of genetic_value and environmental_noise.

Next, we will be showing the distribution of simulated phenotype and environmental noise by creating a histogram through using matplotlib.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.hist(phenotype_df["phenotype"], bins=40)
plt.hist(phenotype_df["environmental_noise"], bins=40)
plt.title("Environmental Noise")

The environmental noise in tstrait follows a normal distribution. Please see Phenotype Model for mathematical details on the phenotype model and Effect Size Distribution for details on specifying the effect size distribution.

Normalise Phenotype#

The simulated phenotypes can be scaled by using the normalise_phenotypes() function. The function will first normalise the phenotype by subtracting the mean of the input phenotype from each value and divide it by the standard devitation of the input phenotype. Afterwards, it scales the normalised phenotype based on the mean and variance input. The output of normalise_phenotypes() is a pandas.DataFrame object with the scaled phenotypes.

An example usage of this function is shown below:

mean = 0
var = 1
normalised_df = tstrait.normalise_phenotypes(phenotype_df, mean=mean, var=var)
individual_id trait_id phenotype
0 0 0 0.333531
1 1 0 1.067976
2 2 0 -0.153878
3 3 0 -1.400572
4 4 0 0.731019

We see that the mean and variance of the normalised phenotype are 0 and 1, as we have indicated them as inputs of normalise_phenotypes().

print("Mean of the normalised phenotype:", mean)
print("Variance of the normalised phenotype:", var)
Mean of the normalised phenotype: 0
Variance of the normalised phenotype: 1

The distribution of the normalised phenotype is shown below.

plt.hist(normalised_df["phenotype"], bins=40)
plt.title("Normalised Phenotype")