Source code for msprime.pedigrees

# Copyright (C) 2019-2022 University of Oxford
# This file is part of msprime.
# msprime is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# msprime is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with msprime.  If not, see <>.
Pedigree utilities.
from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses

import numpy as np
import tskit

from msprime import demography as demog_mod

class Column:
    name: str

    def parse_value(self, value: str) -> str:
        return value

class IdColumn(Column):

class NumericColumn(Column):
    def parse_value(self, value: str) -> float:
        return float(value)

class BooleanColumn(Column):
    def parse_value(self, value: str) -> bool:
        if value == "0":
            return False
        if value == "1":
            return True
        raise ValueError("Only 0 or 1 values are supported")

class StringOrIntColumn(Column):
    def parse_value(self, value: str) -> str | int:
            return int(value)
        except ValueError:
        return value

class TextFileIndividual:
    id: str  # noqa: A003
    parent0: str | None
    parent1: str | None
    time: float
    is_sample: bool | None = None
    population: int = 0

def _parse_pedigree_header(
    header: str, demography: None | demog_mod.Demography
) -> list[Column]:
    tokens = header.split()
    if tokens[0] != "#":
        raise ValueError("First line must be the header and start with #")
    required_cols = [
    demography = (
        demog_mod.Demography.isolated_model([1]) if demography is None else demography
    optional_cols = [
        # There is the potential for ambiguity here in the population column
        # if the string name of the population was an integer not equal to
        # its ID. However, the Demography class requires that population names
        # are valid Python identifiers, so this can't happen in practice.
    col_names = [ for col in required_cols]
    tokens = tokens[1:]
    if tokens[: len(required_cols)] != col_names:
        raise ValueError(f"The {col_names} columns are required")

    columns = list(required_cols)
    optional_col_map = { col for col in optional_cols}
    for colname in tokens[len(required_cols) :]:
        if colname not in optional_col_map:
            raise ValueError(f"Column '{colname}' not supported")
    return columns

[docs] def parse_pedigree( text_file, *, demography: None | demog_mod.Demography = None, sequence_length: None | float = None, ) -> tskit.TableCollection: """ Parse a text file describing a pedigree used for input to the :class:`.FixedPedigree` ancestry model. See the :ref:`sec_pedigrees_encoding` section for more information on the data encoding used for pedigrees. .. seealso:: See the :ref:`sec_pedigrees_file_format_definition` section for a detailed description of the columns and formatting requirements for this file format. The returned :class:`tskit.TableCollection` will contain an individual and two nodes for each data row in the input file. The individual will have a metadata field ``file_id`` containing the value of the ``id`` column in the input. Individuals (and their corresponding nodes) are added to the tables in the order seen in the file. There is no ordering requirement for parents and children. If a :class:`.Demography` instance is provided to the ``demography`` parameter, this is used to translate and validate :ref:`population identifiers<sec_demography_populations_identifiers>` in the ``population`` column, and is also used to fill the population table in the output :class:`tskit.TableCollection`. See the :ref:`sec_ancestry_models_fixed_pedigree_demography` section for more information on the interaction between demography and :class:`.FixedPedigree` simulations. :param text_file: A file-like object to read from. :param demography: The :class:`.Demography` defining populations referred to in the ``populations`` column, if specified. If None (the default) a demography consisting of one population is used (and only population 0 can be referred to). :param float sequence_length: If specified, set the ``sequence_length`` property of the returned TableCollection to this value. :return: The :class:`tskit.TableCollection` object containing the corresponding pedigree data. :rtype: :class:`tskit.TableCollection` """ # First line must be the header and contain the column headers header = next(text_file, None) if header is None: raise ValueError("Pedigree file must contain at least a header") columns = _parse_pedigree_header(header, demography=demography) individuals = [] tsk_id_map = {".": -1} for tsk_id, row in enumerate(text_file): line = tsk_id + 2 tokens = row.split() if len(tokens) != len(columns): raise ValueError( "Incorrect number of columns " f"(found={len(tokens)} need={len(columns)}) at line {line}: {row}" ) kwargs = {} for value, column in zip(tokens, columns): try: kwargs[] = column.parse_value(value) except ValueError as ve: raise ValueError( f"Error parsing value for column '{}' " f"on line {line}: {ve}" ) ind = TextFileIndividual(**kwargs) if == ".": raise ValueError(f"'.' cannot be used as an individual ID (line {line})") if in tsk_id_map: raise ValueError(f"Duplicate ID at line {line}") tsk_id_map[] = len(individuals) individuals.append(ind) # Convert the list of individuals to a tskit pedigree. builder = PedigreeBuilder( # TODO the schema should document the file_id attribute. Once we have # better API support in tskit we can add this. individuals_metadata_schema=tskit.MetadataSchema.permissive_json(), demography=demography, ) for ind in individuals: parents = [] for parent in [ind.parent0, ind.parent1]: if parent not in tsk_id_map: raise ValueError( f"Parent ID '{parent}' not defined (line {tsk_id_map[] + 2})" ) parents.append(tsk_id_map[parent]) builder.add_individual( parents=parents, time=ind.time, is_sample=ind.is_sample, metadata={"file_id":}, population=ind.population, ) return builder.finalise(sequence_length)
def write_pedigree(ts, out): print("# id\tparent0\tparent1\ttime\tis_sample\tpopulation", file=out) for ind in ts.individuals(): if len(ind.nodes) != 2: raise ValueError( "Invalid pedigree format: each individual must be associated with " "two nodes" ) nodes = [ts.node(node) for node in ind.nodes] time = {node.time for node in nodes} is_sample = {node.is_sample() for node in nodes} population = {node.population for node in nodes} if len(time) != 1: raise ValueError("Pedigree individuals must have the same node time") if len(is_sample) != 1: raise ValueError("Pedigree individuals must have the same sample status") if len(population) != 1: raise ValueError("Pedigree individuals must have the same node population") time = time.pop() is_sample = is_sample.pop() population = population.pop() parents = [] for parent in ind.parents: if parent == tskit.NULL: parents.append(".") else: parents.append(parent) print( f"{}\t{parents[0]}\t{parents[1]}\t{time}\t{is_sample}\t" f"{population}", file=out, )
[docs] class PedigreeBuilder: """ Utility for building pedigrees in the format required for input to the :class:`.FixedPedigree` ancestry model. .. seealso:: See the :ref:`sec_pedigrees` section for more information on how pedigrees are described and imported in msprime. Example:: pb = msprime.PedigreeBuilder() mom_id = pb.add_individual(time=1) dad_id = pb.add_individual(time=1) pb.add_individual(time=0, parents=[mom_id, dad_id], is_sample=True) pedigree_tables = pb.finalise() :param demography: The :class:`.Demography` defining populations referred to in the ``populations`` column, if specified. If None (the default) a demography consisting of one population is used (and only population 0 can be referred to). :param tskit.MetadataSchema individuals_metadata_schema: If specified, set the ``metadata_schema`` for the individuals table in the final table collection. Must be an instance of :class:`tskit.MetadataSchema` See the :ref:`sec_pedigrees_metadata` section for more information. """ def __init__(self, demography=None, individuals_metadata_schema=None): if demography is None: demography = demog_mod.Demography.isolated_model([1]) self.demography = demography self.tables = tskit.TableCollection(0) self.tables.time_units = "generations" demography.insert_populations(self.tables) # Work around self.individuals = self.tables.individuals self.nodes = self.tables.nodes assert len(self.individuals) == 0 if individuals_metadata_schema is not None: self.individuals.metadata_schema = individuals_metadata_schema
[docs] def add_individual( self, *, time, is_sample=None, parents=None, population=None, metadata=None, ) -> int: """ Adds an individual with the specified properties, returning its ID. :param float time: The time for this individual measured in generations ago. :param bool is_sample: If True, the new individual is marked as a sample; if False, the individual is not marked as a sample. If None (the default) the individual is marked as a sample if its ``time`` is zero. Parent IDs are not checked, and may refer to individuals not yet added to the tables. :param list(int) parents: The integer IDs of the specified individual's parents. Exactly two parents must be specified. If None (the default), the individual is treated as a founder by setting its parents to ``[-1, -1]``. :param str|int population: The population to associated with this individual. The value can be a string or integer, following the usual :ref:`population identifier<sec_demography_populations_identifiers>` rules. If None (the default), a population ID of 0 will be assigned if the :class:`.Demography` associated with this PedigreeBuilder has a single population (the default). If the demography has more than one population, then a population must be explicitly specified for each individual. :param dict|bytes metadata: Any metadata to associate with the new individual. See the :ref:`sec_pedigrees_metadata` section for more information. :return: The ID of the newly added individual. :rtype: int """ if is_sample is None: # By default, individuals at time 0 are marked as samples is_sample = time == 0 if parents is None: parents = [-1, -1] if len(parents) != 2: raise ValueError("Must have exactly two parents") ind_id = self.tables.individuals.add_row(parents=parents, metadata=metadata) if population is None: if self.demography.num_populations == 1: population = 0 else: raise ValueError( "Must specify the population for each individual in a " "multi-population demography" ) population = self.demography[population].id flags = tskit.NODE_IS_SAMPLE if is_sample else 0 for _ in range(2): self.tables.nodes.add_row( flags=flags, time=time, individual=ind_id, population=population ) return ind_id
def add_individuals(self, *, parents, time): population = 0 flags = 0 if time > 0 else tskit.NODE_IS_SAMPLE N = parents.shape[0] ind_ids = np.arange(N, dtype=np.int32) + len(self.individuals) self.individuals.append_columns( flags=np.zeros(N, dtype=np.uint32), parents=parents.reshape(2 * N), parents_offset=np.arange(N + 1, dtype=np.uint32) * 2, ) node_individual = np.zeros(2 * N, dtype=np.int32) node_individual[0::2] = ind_ids node_individual[1::2] = ind_ids self.nodes.append_columns( flags=np.full(2 * N, flags, dtype=np.uint32), time=np.full(2 * N, time, dtype=np.float64), population=np.full(2 * N, population, dtype=np.int32), individual=node_individual, ) return ind_ids
[docs] def finalise(self, sequence_length=None) -> tskit.TableCollection: """ Returns the :class:`tskit.TableCollection` describing the pedigree defined by calls to :meth:`.add_individual`. The state of the pedigree builder is not modified by this method. :param float sequence_length: If specified, set the ``sequence_length`` property of the returned TableCollection to this value. If ``None`` (the default) the ``sequence_length`` is ``-1``. :return: The TableCollection defining the pedigree. :rtype: tskit.TableCollection """ copy = self.tables.copy() copy.sequence_length = 1 # Not strictly necessary, but it's useful when the tables are written # to file and are loaded as as a tree sequence. copy.build_index() copy.sequence_length = -1 if sequence_length is None else sequence_length return copy
def sim_pedigree_backward( builder, rng, *, N_function, num_samples, end_time, ): ancestors = np.arange(num_samples, dtype=np.int32) parent_offset = num_samples # Because we don't have overlapping generations we can add the ancestors # to the pedigree once the previous generation has been produced for time in range(0, end_time): # get current population size from function, add 1 to time to match behaviour of # sim_pedigree_forward population = np.arange(N_function(time + 1), dtype=np.int32) parents = rng.choice(population, (len(ancestors), 2)) unique_parents = np.unique(parents) parent_ids = np.searchsorted(unique_parents, parents).astype(np.int32) assert np.all(unique_parents[parent_ids] == parents) a = builder.add_individuals(parents=parent_ids + parent_offset, time=time) assert np.array_equal(a, ancestors) ancestors = np.arange(len(unique_parents), dtype=np.int32) + parent_offset parent_offset += len(ancestors) # Add the founders builder.add_individuals( parents=np.full((len(ancestors), 2), tskit.NULL, dtype=np.int32), time=end_time ) return builder.finalise(1) def sim_pedigree_forward( builder, rng, *, N_function, end_time, ): population = np.array([tskit.NULL], dtype=np.int32) # To make the semantics compatible with dtwf, the end_time means the # *end* of generation end_time for time in reversed(range(end_time + 1)): N = N_function(time) # This could be derived from the Demography # NB this is *with* replacement, so 1 / N chance of selfing parents = rng.choice(population, (N, 2)) population = builder.add_individuals(parents=parents, time=time) return builder.finalise(1) def sim_pedigree( *, population_size=None, num_samples=None, sequence_length=None, random_seed=None, end_time=None, direction="forward", ): """ Simulate a pedigree with the specified parameters. :param int|function population_size: The population size at each generation. This can be a single value, or a function that takes the generation number as input and returns the population size. If a function is provided, the function is called with the generation number 0 to determine the number of samples. :param int|None num_samples: The number of samples (at generation 0). If None, the number of samples is equal to the population size at generation 0. :param float|None sequence_length: The sequence length of the resulting TableCollection. :param int|None random_seed: The random seed to use. If None, the random seed is not set. :param int end_time: The end time of the pedigree (in generations back in time). :param str direction: The direction of time in the pedigree. Either 'forward' or 'backward'. :return: The TableCollection containing the pedigree data. :rtype: tskit.TableCollection """ # Internal utility for generating pedigree data. This function is not # part of the public API and subject to arbitrary changes/removal # in the future. # allow for population_size to be a single value or a function if not callable(population_size): def N_function(_): return population_size else: N_function = population_size num_samples = N_function(0) if num_samples is None else num_samples builder = PedigreeBuilder() rng = np.random.RandomState(random_seed) if direction == "forward": if num_samples != N_function(0): raise ValueError( "if at all specified, num_samples must be equal to population_size " "at generation 0 for forward simulation" ) tables = sim_pedigree_forward( builder, rng, N_function=N_function, end_time=end_time, ) elif direction == "backward": tables = sim_pedigree_backward( builder, rng, N_function=N_function, num_samples=num_samples, end_time=end_time, ) else: raise ValueError("unknown time direction; choose 'backward' or 'forward'") tables.sequence_length = -1 if sequence_length is None else sequence_length return tables