Haploid Wright-Fisher simulation

The following code simulates a haploid Wright-Fisher model. The code is a reimplementation of an example program distributed with tskit-c.

In addition to tskit, the example uses:

  • rand for random number generation.
  • anyhow for error propagation.
fn simulate(
    seed: u64,
    popsize: usize,
    num_generations: i32,
    simplify_interval: i32,
    update_bookmark: bool,
) -> Result<tskit::TreeSequence> {
    if popsize == 0 {
        return Err(anyhow::Error::msg("popsize must be > 0"));
    if num_generations == 0 {
        return Err(anyhow::Error::msg("num_generations must be > 0"));
    if simplify_interval == 0 {
        return Err(anyhow::Error::msg("simplify_interval must be > 0"));
    let mut tables = tskit::TableCollection::new(1.0)?;

    // create parental nodes
    let mut parents_and_children = {
        let mut temp = vec![];
        let parental_time = f64::from(num_generations);
        for _ in 0..popsize {
            let node = tables.add_node(0, parental_time, -1, -1)?;

    // allocate space for offspring nodes
    parents_and_children.resize(2 * parents_and_children.len(), tskit::NodeId::NULL);

    // Construct non-overlapping mutable slices into our vector.
    let (mut parents, mut children) = parents_and_children.split_at_mut(popsize);

    let parent_picker = rand::distributions::Uniform::new(0, popsize);
    let breakpoint_generator = rand::distributions::Uniform::new(0.0, 1.0);
    let mut rng = rand::rngs::StdRng::seed_from_u64(seed);
    let mut bookmark = tskit::types::Bookmark::default();

    for birth_time in (0..num_generations).rev() {
        for c in children.iter_mut() {
            let bt = f64::from(birth_time);
            let child = tables.add_node(0, bt, -1, -1)?;
            let left_parent = parents
                .get(parent_picker.sample(&mut rng))
                .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::Error::msg("invalid left_parent index"))?;
            let right_parent = parents
                .get(parent_picker.sample(&mut rng))
                .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::Error::msg("invalid right_parent index"))?;
            let breakpoint = breakpoint_generator.sample(&mut rng);
            tables.add_edge(0., breakpoint, *left_parent, child)?;
            tables.add_edge(breakpoint, 1.0, *right_parent, child)?;
            *c = child;

        if birth_time % simplify_interval == 0 {
            tables.sort(&bookmark, tskit::TableSortOptions::default())?;
            if update_bookmark {
                rotate_edges(&bookmark, &mut tables);
            if let Some(idmap) =
                tables.simplify(children, tskit::SimplificationOptions::default(), true)?
                // remap child nodes
                for o in children.iter_mut() {
                    *o = idmap[usize::try_from(*o)?];
            if update_bookmark {
        std::mem::swap(&mut parents, &mut children);

    let treeseq = tables.tree_sequence(tskit::TreeSequenceFlags::default())?;
