File formats#

Tree sequence file format#

To make tree sequence data as efficient and easy as possible to use, we store the data on file in a columnar, binary format. The format is based on the kastore package, which is a simple key-value store for numerical data. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the tables described above and the arrays stored in these files.

By convention, these files are given the .trees suffix (although this is not enforced in any way), and we will sometimes refer to them as “.trees” files. We also refer to them as “tree sequence files”.


Link to the documentation for kastore, and describe the arrays that are stored as well as the top-level metadata.

Legacy Versions#

Tree sequence files written by older versions of tskit are not readable by newer versions of tskit. For major releases of tskit, tskit upgrade will convert older tree sequence files to the latest version.

Text file formats#

The tree sequence text file format is based on a simple whitespace delimited approach. Each table corresponds to a single file, and is composed of a number of whitespace delimited columns. The first line of each file must be a header giving the names of each column. Subsequent rows must contain data for each of these columns, following the usual conventions. Each table has a set of mandatory and optional columns which are described below. The columns can be provided in any order, and extra columns can be included in the file. Note, in particular, that this means that an id column may be present in any of these files, but it will be ignored (IDs are always determined by the position of the row in a table).

The load_text() method can be used to read tables in text format. This has been used to create the following very simple tree sequence, with four nodes, two trees, and three mutations at two sites, both on the first tree:

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# TODO once is solved
# change the individual table to include some with blank parents / locations
import io

import tskit
from IPython.display import SVG

individuals = """\
flags       location     parents
0           0.5,1.2      -1,-1
0           1.0,3.4      0,-1
0           3.5,6.3      0,1
0           0.5          -1,-1
0           0.5,0.5      2,3

nodes = """\
is_sample   individual   time
1           0            0.0
1           0            0.0
0           -1           2.0
0           -1           3.0
edges = """\
left   right   parent  child
0.0    7.0     2       0
0.0    7.0     2       1
7.0    10.0    3       0
7.0    10.0    3       1

sites = """\
position      ancestral_state
2.0           AT
4.0           A

mutations = """\
site   node    derived_state    time    parent
0      0       A                0.5     -1
1      0       T                1.5     -1
1      1       A                1.0     1

migrations = """\
left   right   node   source   dest   time
0.0    0.7     5      2        3      1.0
0.8    0.9     8      3        4      3.0

populations = """\
id   metadata
0    cG9wMQ==
1    cG9wMg==

ts = tskit.load_text(
    # migrations=io.StringIO(migrations),  # uncomment when fixed

A deletion from AT to A has occurred at position 2 on the branch leading to node 0, and two mutations have occurred at position 4 on the branch leading to node 1, first from A to T, then a back mutation to A. The genotypes of our two samples, nodes 0 and 1, are therefore AA and ATA. Note that this tree sequence also contains entries in the individual, population, and migration tables, but this is not shown plot above.

Individual text format#

The individual text format must contain a flags column. Optionally, there may also be location, parents and metadata columns. See the individual table definitions for details on these columns.

Note that there are currently no globally defined flags, but the column is still required; a value of 0 means that there are no flags set.

The location and parents columns should be a sequence of comma-separated numeric values. They do not all have to be the same length.

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import sys
from IPython.display import display, HTML

display(HTML("An example individual table:"))
An example individual table:
id	flags	location	parents	metadata
0	0	0.5,1.2	-1,-1	
1	0	1.0,3.4	0,-1	
2	0	3.5,6.3	0,1	
3	0	0.5	-1,-1	
4	0	0.5,0.5	2,3	

Node text format#

The node text format must contain the columns is_sample and time. Optionally, there may also be population, individual, and metadata columns. See the node table definitions for details on these columns.

Note that we do not have a flags column in the text file format, but instead use is_sample (which may be 0 or 1). Currently, NODE_IS_SAMPLE is the only flag value defined for nodes, and as more flags are defined we will allow for extra columns in the text format.

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display(HTML("An example node table:"))
An example node table:
id	is_sample	time	population	individual	metadata
0	1	0.000000	-1	0	
1	1	0.000000	-1	0	
2	0	2.000000	-1	-1	
3	0	3.000000	-1	-1	

Edge text format#

The edge text format must contain the columns left, right, parent and child. Optionally, there may also be a metadata column. See the edge table definitions for details on these columns.

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display(HTML("An example edge table:"))
An example edge table:
left	right	parent	child	metadata
0.000000	7.000000	2	0	
0.000000	7.000000	2	1	
7.000000	10.000000	3	0	
7.000000	10.000000	3	1	

Site text format#

The site text format must contain the columns position and ancestral_state. The metadata column may also be optionally present. See the site table definitions for details on these columns.

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display(HTML("An example site table:"))
An example site table:
position	ancestral_state	metadata
2.000000	AT	
4.000000	A	

Mutation text format#

The mutation text format must contain the columns site, node and derived_state. The time, parent and metadata columns may also be optionally present (but parent must be specified if more than one mutation occurs at the same site). If time is absent UNKNOWN_TIME will be used to fill the column. See the mutation table definitions for details on these columns.

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display(HTML("An example mutation table:"))
An example mutation table:
site	node	time	derived_state	parent	metadata
0	0	0.5	A	-1	
1	0	1.5	T	-1	
1	1	1.0	A	1	

Migration text format#

The migration text format must contain the columns left, right, node, source, dest and time. The metadata column may also be optionally present. See the migration table definitions for details on these columns.

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display(HTML("An example migration table:"))
print(migrations)  # fixme
# ts.dump_text(migrations=sys.stdout)
An example migration table:
left   right   node   source   dest   time
0.0    0.7     5      2        3      1.0
0.8    0.9     8      3        4      3.0

Population text format#

Population tables only have a metadata column, so the text format for a population table requires there to be a metadata column. See the population table definitions for details.

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display(HTML("An example population table:"))
An example population table:
id	metadata
0	cG9wMQ==
1	cG9wMg==

The metadata contains base64-encoded data (in this case, the strings pop1 and pop1).