# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Tskit Developers
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Module responsible for various utility functions used in other modules.
import dataclasses
import datetime
import html
import io
import itertools
import json
import numbers
import os
import textwrap
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
import tskit
from tskit import UNKNOWN_TIME
# Extra methods for dataclasses
class Dataclass:
def replace(self, **kwargs):
Return a new instance of this dataclass, with the specified attributes
overwritten by new values.
:return: A new instance of the same type
return dataclasses.replace(self, **kwargs)
def asdict(self, **kwargs):
Return a new dict which maps field names to their corresponding values
in this dataclass.
return dataclasses.asdict(self, **kwargs)
def canonical_json(obj):
Returns string of encoded JSON with keys sorted and whitespace removed to enable
byte-level comparison of encoded data.
:param Any obj: Python object to encode
:return: The encoded string
:rtype: str
return json.dumps(obj, sort_keys=True, separators=(",", ":"))
def is_unknown_time(time):
As the default unknown mutation time (:const:`UNKNOWN_TIME`) is a specific NAN value,
equality always fails (A NAN value is not equal to itself by definition).
This method compares the bitfield such that unknown times can be detected. Either
single floats can be passed or lists/arrays.
Note that NANs are a set of floating-point values. `tskit.UNKNOWN_TIME` is a specific
value in this set. `np.nan` is a differing value, but both are NAN.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN
This function only returns true for ``tskit.is_unknown_time(tskit.UNKNOWN_TIME)``
and will return false for ``tskit.is_unknown_time(np.nan)`` or any other NAN or
non-NAN value.
:param time: Value or array to check.
:type time: Union[float, array-like]
:return: A single boolean or array of booleans the same shape as ``time``.
:rtype: Union[bool, numpy.ndarray[bool]]
return np.asarray(time, dtype=np.float64).view(np.uint64) == np.float64(
def safe_np_int_cast(int_array, dtype, copy=False):
A few functions require arrays of certain dtypes (e.g. node indices are np.int32,
genotypes are np.int8, etc. Standard numpy integer arrays are of (dtype=np.int64),
so need casting. This function casts but checks bounds to avoid wrap-around
conversion errors. Strangely, numpy seems not to have this functionality built-in.
If copy=False, and the original array is a numpy array of exactly the same dtype
required, simply return the original rather than making a copy (same as the numpy
.astype(copy=...) function)
if not isinstance(int_array, np.ndarray):
int_array = np.array(int_array)
# Since this is a new numpy array anyway, it's always a copy, so economize by
# setting copy=False
copy = False
if int_array.size == 0:
return int_array.astype(dtype, copy=copy) # Allow empty arrays of any type
return int_array.astype(dtype, casting="safe", copy=copy)
except TypeError:
if int_array.dtype == np.dtype("O"):
# this occurs e.g. if we're passed a list of lists of different lengths
raise TypeError("Cannot convert to a rectangular array.")
bounds = np.iinfo(dtype)
if np.any(int_array < bounds.min) or np.any(int_array > bounds.max):
raise OverflowError(f"Cannot convert safely to {dtype} type")
if int_array.dtype.kind == "i" and np.dtype(dtype).kind == "u":
# Allow casting from int to unsigned int, since we have checked bounds
casting = "unsafe"
# Raise a TypeError when we try to convert from, e.g., a float.
casting = "same_kind"
return int_array.astype(dtype, casting=casting, copy=copy)
# Pack/unpack lists of data into flattened numpy arrays.
def pack_bytes(data):
Packs the specified list of bytes into a flattened numpy array of 8 bit integers
and corresponding offsets. See :ref:`sec_encoding_ragged_columns` for details
of this encoding.
:param list[bytes] data: The list of bytes values to encode.
:return: The tuple (packed, offset) of numpy arrays representing the flattened
input data and offsets.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray (dtype=np.int8), numpy.ndarray (dtype=np.uint32)
n = len(data)
offsets = np.zeros(n + 1, dtype=np.uint32)
for j in range(n):
offsets[j + 1] = offsets[j] + len(data[j])
column = np.zeros(offsets[-1], dtype=np.int8)
for j, value in enumerate(data):
column[offsets[j] : offsets[j + 1]] = bytearray(value)
return column, offsets
def unpack_bytes(packed, offset):
Unpacks a list of bytes from the specified numpy arrays of packed byte
data and corresponding offsets. See :ref:`sec_encoding_ragged_columns` for details
of this encoding.
:param numpy.ndarray packed: The flattened array of byte values.
:param numpy.ndarray offset: The array of offsets into the ``packed`` array.
:return: The list of bytes values unpacked from the parameter arrays.
:rtype: list[bytes]
# This could be done a lot more efficiently...
ret = []
for j in range(offset.shape[0] - 1):
raw = packed[offset[j] : offset[j + 1]].tobytes()
return ret
def pack_strings(strings, encoding="utf8"):
Packs the specified list of strings into a flattened numpy array of 8 bit integers
and corresponding offsets using the specified text encoding.
See :ref:`sec_encoding_ragged_columns` for details of this encoding of
columns of variable length data.
:param list[str] data: The list of strings to encode.
:param str encoding: The text encoding to use when converting string data
to bytes. See the :mod:`codecs` module for information on available
string encodings.
:return: The tuple (packed, offset) of numpy arrays representing the flattened
input data and offsets.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray (dtype=np.int8), numpy.ndarray (dtype=np.uint32)
return pack_bytes([bytearray(s.encode(encoding)) for s in strings])
def unpack_strings(packed, offset, encoding="utf8"):
Unpacks a list of strings from the specified numpy arrays of packed byte
data and corresponding offsets using the specified text encoding.
See :ref:`sec_encoding_ragged_columns` for details of this encoding of
columns of variable length data.
:param numpy.ndarray packed: The flattened array of byte values.
:param numpy.ndarray offset: The array of offsets into the ``packed`` array.
:param str encoding: The text encoding to use when converting string data
to bytes. See the :mod:`codecs` module for information on available
string encodings.
:return: The list of strings unpacked from the parameter arrays.
:rtype: list[str]
return [b.decode(encoding) for b in unpack_bytes(packed, offset)]
def pack_arrays(list_of_lists, dtype=np.float64):
Packs the specified list of numeric lists into a flattened numpy array
of the specified dtype with corresponding offsets. See
:ref:`sec_encoding_ragged_columns` for details of this encoding of columns
of variable length data.
:param list[list] list_of_lists: The list of numeric lists to encode.
:param dtype: The dtype for the packed array, defaults to float64
:return: The tuple (packed, offset) of numpy arrays representing the flattened
input data and offsets.
:rtype: numpy.array (dtype=dtype), numpy.array (dtype=np.uint32)
# TODO must be possible to do this more efficiently with numpy
n = len(list_of_lists)
offset = np.zeros(n + 1, dtype=np.uint32)
for j in range(n):
offset[j + 1] = offset[j] + len(list_of_lists[j])
data = np.empty(offset[-1], dtype=dtype)
for j in range(n):
data[offset[j] : offset[j + 1]] = list_of_lists[j]
return data, offset
def unpack_arrays(packed, offset):
Unpacks a list of arrays from the specified numpy array of packed
data and its associated offset array. See
:ref:`sec_encoding_ragged_columns` for details of how columns
of variable length data are encoded in this way.
:param numpy.ndarray packed: The flattened array of data.
:param numpy.ndarray offset: The array of offsets into the ``packed`` array.
:return: A list of numpy arrays unpacked from the flattened ``packed`` array.
:rtype: list[numpy.ndarray]
ret = []
for j in range(offset.shape[0] - 1):
ret.append(packed[offset[j] : offset[j + 1]])
return ret
# Interval utilities
def intervals_to_np_array(intervals, start, end):
Converts the specified intervals to a numpy array and checks for
intervals = np.array(intervals, dtype=np.float64)
# Special case the empty list of intervals
if len(intervals) == 0:
intervals = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=np.float64)
if len(intervals.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError("Intervals must be a 2D numpy array")
if intervals.shape[1] != 2:
raise ValueError("Intervals array shape must be (N, 2)")
# TODO do this with numpy operations.
last_right = start
for left, right in intervals:
if left < start or right > end:
raise ValueError(f"Intervals must be within {start} and {end}")
if right <= left:
raise ValueError("Bad interval: right <= left")
if left < last_right:
raise ValueError("Intervals must be disjoint.")
last_right = right
return intervals
def negate_intervals(intervals, start, end):
Returns the set of intervals *not* covered by the specified set of
disjoint intervals in the specified range.
intervals = intervals_to_np_array(intervals, start, end)
other_intervals = []
last_right = start
for left, right in intervals:
if left != last_right:
other_intervals.append((last_right, left))
last_right = right
if last_right != end:
other_intervals.append((last_right, end))
return np.array(other_intervals)
def naturalsize(value):
Format a number of bytes like a human readable filesize (e.g. 10 kiB)
# Taken from https://github.com/jmoiron/humanize
suffix = ("KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB")
base = 1024
format_ = "%.1f"
bytes_ = float(value)
abs_bytes = abs(bytes_)
if abs_bytes == 1:
return "%d Byte" % bytes_
elif abs_bytes < base:
return "%d Bytes" % bytes_
for i, s in enumerate(suffix):
unit = base ** (i + 2)
if abs_bytes < unit:
return (format_ + " %s") % ((base * bytes_ / unit), s)
return (format_ + " %s") % ((base * bytes_ / unit), s)
def obj_to_collapsed_html(d, name=None, open_depth=0, max_items=30, max_item_len=100):
Recursively make an HTML representation of python objects.
:param str name: Name for this object
:param int open_depth: By default sub-sections are collapsed. If this number is
non-zero the first layers up to open_depth will be opened.
:param int max_items: Maximum number of items to display per collection
:return: The HTML as a string
:rtype: str
opened = "open" if open_depth > 0 else ""
open_depth -= 1
name = f"{str(name)}:" if name is not None else ""
if isinstance(d, dict):
items = list(d.items())
more = len(items) - max_items
display_items = items[:max_items] if more > 0 else items
inner_html = "".join(
f"{obj_to_collapsed_html(val, key, open_depth, max_items)}<br/>"
for key, val in display_items
if more > 0:
inner_html += f"... and {more} more"
return f"""
<span class="tskit-details-label">{name}</span>
<details {opened}>
elif isinstance(d, list):
items = d
more = len(items) - max_items
display_items = items[:max_items] if more > 0 else items
inner_html = "".join(
f"{obj_to_collapsed_html(val, None, open_depth, max_items)}<br/>"
for val in display_items
if more > 0:
inner_html += f"... and {more} more"
return f"""
<span class="tskit-details-label">{name}</span>
<details {opened}>
d_str = str(d)
if len(d_str) > max_item_len:
d_str = d_str[:max_item_len] + "..."
d_str = textwrap.fill(d_str, width=30)
d_str = d_str.replace("\n", "<br/>")
return f"{name} {html.escape(str(d_str))}"
def truncate_string_end(string, length):
If a string is longer than "length" then snip out the middle and replace with an
if len(string) <= length:
return string
return f"{string[:length - 3]}..."
def render_metadata(md, length=40):
if md == b"":
return ""
return truncate_string_end(str(md), length)
def unicode_table(
rows, *, title=None, header=None, row_separator=True, column_alignments=None
Convert a table (list of lists) of strings to a unicode table. If a row contains
the string "__skipped__NNN" then "skipped N rows" is displayed.
:param list[list[str]] rows: List of rows, each of which is a list of strings for
each cell. Each row must have the same number of cells.
:param str title: If specified the first output row will be a single cell
containing this string, left-justified. [optional]
:param list[str] header: Specifies a row above the main rows which will be in double
lined borders and left justified. Must be same length as each row. [optional]
:param boolean row_separator: If True add lines between each row. [Default: True]
:param column_alignments str: A string of the same length as the number of cells in
a row (i.e. columns) where each character specifies an alignment such as ``<``,
``>`` or ``^`` as used in Python's string formatting mini-language. If ``None``,
set the first column to be left justified and the remaining columns to be right
justified [Default: ``None``]
:return: The table as a string
:rtype: str
if header is not None:
all_rows = [header] + rows
all_rows = rows
widths = [
max(len(row[i_col]) for row in all_rows) for i_col in range(len(all_rows[0]))
if column_alignments is None:
column_alignments = "<" + ">" * (len(widths) - 1)
out = []
inner_width = sum(widths) + len(header or rows[0]) - 1
if title is not None:
out += [
f"╔{'═' * inner_width}╗\n" f"║{title.ljust(inner_width)}║\n",
f"╠{'╤'.join('═' * w for w in widths)}╣\n",
if header is not None:
out += [
f"╔{'╤'.join('═' * w for w in widths)}╗\n",
f"║{'│'.join(cell.ljust(w) for cell, w in zip(header, widths))}║\n",
f"╠{'╪'.join('═' * w for w in widths)}╣\n",
last_skipped = False
for i, row in enumerate(rows):
if "__skipped__" in row:
msg = f"{row[11:]} rows skipped (tskit.set_print_options)"[
row_str = f"║{msg}║\n"
if row_separator:
out += [
f"╟{'┴'.join('─' * w for w in widths)}╢\n" + row_str,
f"╟{'┬'.join('─' * w for w in widths)}╢\n",
last_skipped = True
if i != 0 and not last_skipped and row_separator:
out.append(f"╟{'┼'.join('─' * w for w in widths)}╢\n")
+ "│".join(
f"{r:{a}{w}}" for r, w, a in zip(row, widths, column_alignments)
+ "║\n"
last_skipped = False
out.append(f"╚{'╧'.join('═' * w for w in widths)}╝\n")
return "".join(out)
def html_table(rows, *, header):
headers = "".join(f"<th>{h}</th>" for h in header)
rows = (
f'<td style="text-align: center;" colspan="{len(headers)}"><em>{row[11:]}'
f" rows skipped (tskit.set_print_options)</em></td>"
if "__skipped__" in row
else "".join(f"<td>{cell}</td>" for cell in row)
for row in rows
rows = "".join(f"<tr>{row}</tr>\n" for row in rows)
return f"""
<style scoped="">
.tskit-table tbody tr th:only-of-type {{vertical-align: middle;}}
.tskit-table tbody tr th {{vertical-align: top;}}
.tskit-table tbody td {{text-align: right;padding: 0.5em 0.5em;}}
.tskit-table tbody th {{padding: 0.5em 0.5em;}}
<table border="1" class="tskit-table">
def tree_sequence_html(ts):
table_rows = "".join(
<td style="text-align: center;">
{'✅' if hasattr(table, "metadata") and len(table.metadata) > 0
else ''}
for name, table in ts.tables.table_name_map.items()
provenance_rows = ""
provenances = list(ts.provenances())
# Detail the most recent 10 provenances, and collapse the rest
display_provenances = provenances[-10:]
extra_provenances = provenances[0:-10]
for prov in reversed(display_provenances):
timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(prov.timestamp).strftime(
"%d %B, %Y at %I:%M:%S %p"
record = json.loads(prov.record)
software_name = record.get("software", {}).get("name", "Unknown")
software_version = record.get("software", {}).get("version", "Unknown")
command = record.get("parameters", {}).get("command", "Unknown")
details = obj_to_collapsed_html(record, None, 0)
provenance_rows += f"""
except Exception as e:
provenance_rows += (
f"""Could not parse provenance record: """
f"""{e.__class__.__name__} {str(e)}"""
if len(extra_provenances) > 0:
provenance_rows += f"""
<td colspan="5"><i>... {len(extra_provenances)} more</i></td>
md = (
obj_to_collapsed_html(ts.metadata, None, 1)
if len(ts.tables.metadata_bytes) > 0
else "No Metadata"
return f"""
.tskit-table thead tr th {{text-align: left;padding: 0.5em 0.5em;}}
.tskit-table tbody tr td {{padding: 0.5em 0.5em;}}
.tskit-table tbody tr td:first-of-type {{text-align: left;}}
.tskit-details-label {{vertical-align: top; padding-right:5px;}}
.tskit-table-set {{display: inline-flex;flex-wrap: wrap;margin: -12px 0 0 -12px;width: calc(100% + 12px);}}
.tskit-table-set-table {{margin: 12px 0 0 12px;}}
details {{display: inline-block;}}
summary {{cursor: pointer; outline: 0; display: list-item;}}
<div class="tskit-table-set">
<div class="tskit-table-set-table">
<table class="tskit-table">
<th style="padding:0;line-height:21px;">
<img style="height: 32px;display: inline-block;padding: 3px 5px 3px 0;" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tskit-dev/administrative/main/tskit_logo.svg"/>
<a target="_blank" href="https://tskit.dev/tskit/docs/latest/python-api.html#the-treesequence-class"> Tree Sequence </a>
<tr><td>Sequence Length</td><td>{ts.sequence_length:,}</td></tr>
<tr><td>Time Units</td><td>{ts.time_units}</td></tr>
<tr><td>Sample Nodes</td><td>{ts.num_samples:,}</td></tr>
<tr><td>Total Size</td><td>{naturalsize(ts.nbytes)}</td></tr>
<td>Metadata</td><td style="text-align: left;">{md}</td>
<div class="tskit-table-set-table">
<table class="tskit-table">
<th style="line-height:21px;">Table</th>
<th>Has Metadata</th>
<div class="tskit-table-set-table">
<table class="tskit-table">
<th>Provenance Timestamp</th>
<th>Software Name</th>
<th>Full record</th>
""" # noqa: B950
def tree_html(tree):
return f"""
.tskit-table thead tr th {{text-align: left;padding: 0.5em 0.5em;}}
.tskit-table tbody tr td {{padding: 0.5em 0.5em;}}
.tskit-table tbody tr td:first-of-type {{text-align: left;}}
.tskit-details-label {{vertical-align: top; padding-right:5px;}}
.tskit-table-set {{display: inline-flex;flex-wrap: wrap;margin: -12px 0 0 -12px;width: calc(100% + 12px);}}
.tskit-table-set-table {{margin: 12px 0 0 12px;}}
details {{display: inline-block;}}
summary {{cursor: pointer; outline: 0; display: list-item;}}
<div class="tskit-table-set">
<div class="tskit-table-set-table">
<table class="tskit-table">
<th style="padding:0;line-height:21px;">
<img style="height: 32px;display: inline-block;padding: 3px 5px 3px 0;" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tskit-dev/administrative/main/tskit_logo.svg"/>
<a target="_blank" href="https://tskit.dev/tskit/docs/latest/python-api.html#the-tree-class"> Tree </a>
<tr><td>Interval</td><td>{tree.interval.left:,.8g}-{tree.interval.right:,.8g} ({tree.span:,.8g})</td></tr>
<tr><td>Total Branch Length</td><td>{tree.total_branch_length:,.8g}</td></tr>
""" # noqa: B950
def variant_html(variant):
class_type = "Variant"
url_tskit_logo = (
url_variant_class_doc = (
html_body_head = f"""
.tskit-table thead tr th {{text-align: left;padding: 0.5em 0.5em;}}
.tskit-table tbody tr td {{padding: 0.5em 0.5em;}}
.tskit-table tbody tr td:first-of-type {{text-align: left;}}
.tskit-details-label {{vertical-align: top; padding-right:5px;}}
.tskit-table-set {{display: inline-flex;flex-wrap: wrap;margin: -12px 0 0 -12px;width: calc(100% + 12px);}}
.tskit-table-set-table {{margin: 12px 0 0 12px;}}
details {{display: inline-block;}}
summary {{cursor: pointer; outline: 0; display: list-item;}}
<div class="tskit-table-set">
<div class="tskit-table-set-table">
<table class="tskit-table">
<th style="padding:0;line-height:21px;">
<img style="height: 32px;display: inline-block;padding: 3px 5px 3px 0;" src="{url_tskit_logo}"/>
<a target="_blank" href="{url_variant_class_doc}"> {class_type} </a>
""" # noqa: B950
html_body_tail = """
site_id = variant.site.id
site_position = variant.site.position
num_samples = len(variant.samples)
num_alleles = variant.num_alleles
has_missing_data = str(variant.has_missing_data)
isolated_as_missing = str(bool(variant.isolated_as_missing))
counts = variant.counts()
freqs = variant.frequencies()
return (
+ f"""
<tr><td>Site Id</td><td>{site_id:,}</td></tr>
<tr><td>Site Position</td><td>{site_position:,.8g}</td></tr>
<tr><td>Number of Samples</td><td>{num_samples:,}</td></tr>
<tr><td>Number of Alleles</td><td>{num_alleles:,}</td></tr>
+ "\n".join(
f"""<tr><td>Samples with Allele {'missing' if k is None
else "'" + k + "'"}</td><td>"""
+ f"{counts[k]:,}"
+ " "
+ f"({freqs[k] * 100:,.2g}%)"
+ "</td></tr>"
for k in variant.alleles
+ f"""
<tr><td>Has Missing Data</td><td>{has_missing_data}</td></tr>
<tr><td>Isolated as Missing</td><td>{isolated_as_missing}</td></tr>
+ html_body_tail
except ValueError as err:
return (
+ f"""
+ html_body_tail
def convert_file_like_to_open_file(file_like, mode):
# Get ourselves a local version of the file. The semantics here are complex
# because need to support a range of inputs and the free behaviour is
# slightly different on each.
_file = None
local_file = True
# First, see if we can interpret the argument as a pathlike object.
path = os.fspath(file_like)
_file = open(path, mode)
except TypeError:
if _file is None:
# Now we try to open file. If it's not a pathlike object, it could be
# an integer fd or object with a fileno method. In this case we
# must make sure that close is **not** called on the fd.
_file = open(file_like, mode, closefd=False, buffering=0)
except TypeError:
if _file is None:
# Assume that this is a file **but** we haven't opened it, so we must
# not close it.
if mode == "wb" and not hasattr(file_like, "write"):
raise TypeError("file object must have a write method")
_file = file_like
local_file = False
return _file, local_file
def set_print_options(*, max_lines=40):
Set the options for printing to strings and HTML
:param integer max_lines: The maximum number of lines to print from a table, beyond
this number the middle of the table will be skipped.
tskit._print_options = {"max_lines": max_lines}
def truncate_rows(num_rows, limit=None):
Return a list of indexes into a set of rows, but if a ``limit`` is set, truncate the
number of rows and place a single ``-1`` entry, instead of the intermediate indexes
if limit is None or num_rows <= limit:
return range(num_rows)
return itertools.chain(
range(limit // 2),
range(num_rows - (limit - (limit // 2)), num_rows),
def random_nucleotides(length: numbers.Number, *, seed: Union[int, None] = None) -> str:
Returns a random string of nucleotides of the specified length. Characters
are drawn uniformly from the alphabet "ACTG".
:param int length: The length of the random sequence.
:return: A string of the specified length consisting of random nucleotide
:rtype: str
if int(length) != length:
raise ValueError("length must be an integer")
rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
encoded_nucleotides = np.array(list(map(ord, "ACTG")), dtype=np.int8)
a = rng.choice(encoded_nucleotides, size=int(length))
return a.tobytes().decode("ascii")
def raise_known_file_format_errors(open_file, existing_exception):
Sniffs the file for pk-zip or hdf header bytes, then raises an exception
if these are detected, if not raises the existing exception.
# Check for HDF5 header bytes
header = open_file.read(4)
except io.UnsupportedOperation:
# If we can't seek, we can't sniff the file.
raise existing_exception
if header == b"\x89HDF":
raise tskit.FileFormatError(
"The specified file appears to be in HDF5 format. This file "
"may have been generated by msprime < 0.6.0 (June 2018) which "
"can no longer be read directly. Please convert to the new "
"kastore format using the ``tskit upgrade`` command."
) from existing_exception
if header[:2] == b"\x50\x4b":
raise tskit.FileFormatError(
"The specified file appears to be in zip format, so may be a compressed "
"tree sequence. Try using the tszip module to decompress this file before "
"loading. `pip install tszip; tsunzip <filename>` or use "
"`tszip.decompress` in Python code."
) from existing_exception
raise existing_exception