Source code for tskit.stats

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Module responsible for computing various statistics on tree sequences.
import copy
import itertools
import sys
import threading

import numpy as np

import _tskit
import tskit
import tskit.trees as trees

[docs]class LdCalculator: """ Class for calculating `linkage disequilibrium <>`_ coefficients between pairs of sites in a :class:`TreeSequence`. .. note:: This interface is deprecated and a replacement is planned. Please see for more information. Note also that the current implementation is quite limited (see warning below). .. warning:: This class does not currently support sites that have more than one mutation. Using it on such a tree sequence will raise a LibraryError with an "Only infinite sites mutations supported" message. Silent mutations are also not supported and will result in a LibraryError. :param TreeSequence tree_sequence: The tree sequence of interest. """ def __init__(self, tree_sequence): self._tree_sequence = tree_sequence self._ll_ld_calculator = _tskit.LdCalculator( tree_sequence.get_ll_tree_sequence() ) # To protect low-level C code, only one method may execute on the # low-level objects at one time. self._instance_lock = threading.Lock() def get_r2(self, a, b): # Deprecated alias for r2(a, b) return self.r2(a, b)
[docs] def r2(self, a, b): """ Returns the value of the :math:`r^2` statistic between the pair of sites at the specified indexes. This method is *not* an efficient method for computing large numbers of pairwise LD values; please use either :meth:`.r2_array` or :meth:`.r2_matrix` for this purpose. :param int a: The index of the first site. :param int b: The index of the second site. :return: The value of :math:`r^2` between the sites at indexes ``a`` and ``b``. :rtype: float """ with self._instance_lock: return self._ll_ld_calculator.get_r2(a, b)
def get_r2_array(self, a, direction=1, max_mutations=None, max_distance=None): # Deprecated alias for r2_array return self.r2_array( a, direction=direction, max_mutations=max_mutations, max_distance=max_distance, )
[docs] def r2_array( self, a, direction=1, max_mutations=None, max_distance=None, max_sites=None ): """ Returns the value of the :math:`r^2` statistic between the focal site at index :math:`a` and a set of other sites. The method operates by starting at the focal site and iterating over adjacent sites (in either the forward or backwards direction) until either a maximum number of other sites have been considered (using the ``max_sites`` parameter), a maximum distance in sequence coordinates has been reached (using the ``max_distance`` parameter) or the start/end of the sequence has been reached. For every site :math:`b` considered, we then insert the value of :math:`r^2` between :math:`a` and :math:`b` at the corresponding index in an array, and return the entire array. If the returned array is :math:`x` and ``direction`` is :data:`tskit.FORWARD` then :math:`x[0]` is the value of the statistic for :math:`a` and :math:`a + 1`, :math:`x[1]` the value for :math:`a` and :math:`a + 2`, etc. Similarly, if ``direction`` is :data:`tskit.REVERSE` then :math:`x[0]` is the value of the statistic for :math:`a` and :math:`a - 1`, :math:`x[1]` the value for :math:`a` and :math:`a - 2`, etc. :param int a: The index of the focal sites. :param int direction: The direction in which to travel when examining other sites. Must be either :data:`tskit.FORWARD` or :data:`tskit.REVERSE`. Defaults to :data:`tskit.FORWARD`. :param int max_sites: The maximum number of sites to return :math:`r^2` values for. Defaults to as many sites as possible. :param int max_mutations: Deprecated synonym for max_sites. :param float max_distance: The maximum absolute distance between the focal sites and those for which :math:`r^2` values are returned. :return: An array of double precision floating point values representing the :math:`r^2` values for sites in the specified direction. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ if max_mutations is not None and max_sites is not None: raise ValueError("max_mutations is a deprecated synonym for max_sites") if max_mutations is not None: max_sites = max_mutations max_sites = -1 if max_sites is None else max_sites if max_distance is None: max_distance = sys.float_info.max with self._instance_lock: return self._ll_ld_calculator.get_r2_array( a, direction=direction, max_sites=max_sites, max_distance=max_distance, )
def get_r2_matrix(self): # Deprecated alias for r2_matrix return self.r2_matrix()
[docs] def r2_matrix(self): """ Returns the complete :math:`m \\times m` matrix of pairwise :math:`r^2` values in a tree sequence with :math:`m` sites. :return: An 2 dimensional square array of double precision floating point values representing the :math:`r^2` values for all pairs of sites. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ m = self._tree_sequence.num_sites A = np.ones((m, m), dtype=float) for j in range(m - 1): a = self.get_r2_array(j) A[j, j + 1 :] = a A[j + 1 :, j] = a return A
class CoalescenceTimeTable: """ Container for sorted coalescence times, weights, and block assignments. """ def __init__(self, time, block, weights): assert time.shape[0] == weights.shape[0] == block.shape[0] assert time.ndim == block.ndim == 1 assert weights.ndim == 2 self.num_weights = weights.shape[1] # remove empty records not_empty = np.sum(weights, 1) > 0 self.num_records = sum(not_empty) self.time = time[not_empty] self.block = block[not_empty] self.weights = weights[not_empty, :] # add left boundary at time 0 self.num_records += 1 self.time = np.pad(self.time, (0, 1)) self.block = np.pad(self.block, (0, 1)) self.weights = np.pad(self.weights, ((0, 1), (0, 0))) # sort by node time time_order = np.argsort(self.time) self.time = self.time[time_order] self.block = self.block[time_order] self.weights = self.weights[time_order, :] # calculate quantiles self.num_blocks = 1 + np.max(self.block) if self.num_records > 0 else 0 self.block_multiplier = np.ones(self.num_blocks) self.cum_weights = np.cumsum(self.weights, 0) self.quantile = np.empty((self.num_records, self.num_weights)) self.quantile[:] = np.nan for i in range(self.num_weights): if self.cum_weights[-1, i] > 0: self.quantile[:, i] = self.cum_weights[:, i] / self.cum_weights[-1, i] def resample_blocks(self, block_multiplier): assert block_multiplier.shape[0] == self.num_blocks assert np.sum(block_multiplier) == self.num_blocks self.block_multiplier = block_multiplier for i in range(self.num_weights): self.cum_weights[:, i] = np.cumsum( self.weights[:, i] * self.block_multiplier[self.block], 0 ) if self.cum_weights[-1, i] > 0: self.quantile[:, i] = self.cum_weights[:, i] / self.cum_weights[-1, i] else: self.quantile[:, i] = np.nan class CoalescenceTimeDistribution: """ Class to precompute a table of sorted/weighted node times, from which to calculate the empirical distribution function and estimate coalescence rates in time windows. To compute weights efficiently requires an update operation of the form: ``output[parent], state[parent] = update(state[children])`` where ``output`` are the weights associated with the node, and ``state`` are values that are needed to compute ``output`` that are recursively calculated along the tree. The value of ``state`` on the leaves is initialized via, ``state[sample] = initialize(sample, sample_sets)`` """ @staticmethod def _count_coalescence_events(): """ Count the number of samples that coalesce in ``node``, within each set of samples in ``sample_sets``. """ def initialize(node, sample_sets): singles = np.array([[node in s for s in sample_sets]], dtype=np.float64) return (singles,) def update(singles_per_child): singles = np.sum(singles_per_child, axis=0, keepdims=True) is_ancestor = (singles > 0).astype(np.float64) return is_ancestor, (singles,) return (initialize, update) @staticmethod def _count_pair_coalescence_events(): """ Count the number of pairs that coalesce in ``node``, within and between the sets of samples in ``sample_sets``. The count of pairs with members that belong to sets :math:`a` and :math:`b` is: .. math: \\sum_{i \\neq j} (C_i(a) C_j(b) + C_i(b) C_j(a))/(1 - \\mathbb{I}[a = b]) where :math:`C_i(a)` is the number of samples from set :math:`a` descended from child :math:`i`. The values in the output are ordered canonically; e.g. if ``len(sample_sets) == 2`` then the values would correspond to counts of pairs with set labels ``[(0,0), (0,1), (1,1)]``. """ def initialize(node, sample_sets): singles = np.array([[node in s for s in sample_sets]], dtype=np.float64) return (singles,) def update(singles_per_child): C = singles_per_child.shape[0] # number of children S = singles_per_child.shape[1] # number of sample sets singles = np.sum(singles_per_child, axis=0, keepdims=True) pairs = np.zeros((1, int(S * (S + 1) / 2)), dtype=np.float64) for a, b in itertools.combinations(range(C), 2): for i, (j, k) in enumerate( itertools.combinations_with_replacement(range(S), 2) ): pairs[0, i] += ( singles_per_child[a, j] * singles_per_child[b, k] + singles_per_child[a, k] * singles_per_child[b, j] ) / (1 + int(j == k)) return pairs, (singles,) return (initialize, update) @staticmethod def _count_trio_first_coalescence_events(): """ Count the number of pairs that coalesce in node with an outgroup, within and between the sets of samples in ``sample_sets``. In other words, count topologies of the form ``((A,B):node,C)`` where ``A,B,C`` are labels and `node` is the node ID. The count of pairs with members that belong to sets :math:`a` and :math:`b` with outgroup :math:`c` is: .. math: \\sum_{i \\neq j} (C_i(a) C_j(b) + C_i(b) C_j(a)) \\times O(c) / (1 - \\mathbb{I}[a = b]) where :math:`C_i(a)` is the number of samples from set :math:`a` descended from child :math:`i` of the node, and :math:`O(c)` is the number of samples from set :math:`c` that are *not* descended from the node. The values in the output are ordered canonically by pair then outgroup; e.g. if ``len(sample_sets) == 2`` then the values would correspond to counts of pairs with set labels, ``[((0,0),0), ((0,0),1), ..., ((0,1),0), ((0,1),1), ...]``. """ def initialize(node, sample_sets): S = len(sample_sets) totals = np.array([[len(s) for s in sample_sets]], dtype=np.float64) singles = np.array([[node in s for s in sample_sets]], dtype=np.float64) pairs = np.zeros((1, int(S * (S + 1) / 2)), dtype=np.float64) return ( totals, singles, pairs, ) def update(totals_per_child, singles_per_child, pairs_per_child): C = totals_per_child.shape[0] # number of children S = totals_per_child.shape[1] # number of sample sets totals = np.mean(totals_per_child, axis=0, keepdims=True) singles = np.sum(singles_per_child, axis=0, keepdims=True) pairs = np.zeros((1, int(S * (S + 1) / 2)), dtype=np.float64) for a, b in itertools.combinations(range(C), 2): pair_iterator = itertools.combinations_with_replacement(range(S), 2) for i, (j, k) in enumerate(pair_iterator): pairs[0, i] += ( singles_per_child[a, j] * singles_per_child[b, k] + singles_per_child[a, k] * singles_per_child[b, j] ) / (1 + int(j == k)) outgr = totals - singles trios = np.zeros((1, pairs.size * outgr.size), dtype=np.float64) trio_iterator = itertools.product(range(pairs.size), range(outgr.size)) for i, (j, k) in enumerate(trio_iterator): trios[0, i] += pairs[0, j] * outgr[0, k] return trios, ( totals, singles, pairs, ) return (initialize, update) def _update_running_with_edge_diff( self, tree, edge_diff, running_output, running_state, running_index ): """ Update ``running_output`` and ``running_state`` to reflect ``tree``, using edge differences ``edge_diff`` with the previous tree. The dict ``running_index`` maps node IDs onto rows of the running arrays. """ assert edge_diff.interval == tree.interval # empty rows in the running arrays available_rows = {i for i in range(self.running_array_size)} available_rows -= set(running_index.values()) # find internal nodes that have been removed from tree or are unary removed_nodes = set() for i in edge_diff.edges_out: for j in [i.child, i.parent]: if tree.num_children(j) < 2 and not tree.is_sample(j): removed_nodes.add(j) # find non-unary nodes where descendant subtree has been altered modified_nodes = { i.parent for i in edge_diff.edges_in if tree.num_children(i.parent) > 1 } for i in copy.deepcopy(modified_nodes): while tree.parent(i) != tskit.NULL and not tree.parent(i) in modified_nodes: i = tree.parent(i) if tree.num_children(i) > 1: modified_nodes.add(i) # clear running state/output for nodes that are no longer in tree for i in removed_nodes: if i in running_index: running_state[running_index[i], :] = 0 running_output[running_index[i], :] = 0 available_rows.add(running_index.pop(i)) # recalculate state/output for nodes whose descendants have changed for i in sorted(modified_nodes, key=lambda node: tree.time(node)): children = [] for c in tree.children(i): # skip unary children while tree.num_children(c) == 1: (c,) = tree.children(c) children.append(c) child_index = [running_index[c] for c in children] inputs = ( running_state[child_index][:, state_index] for state_index in self.state_indices ) output, state = self._update(*inputs) # update running state/output arrays if i not in running_index: running_index[i] = available_rows.pop() running_output[running_index[i], :] = output for state_index, x in zip(self.state_indices, state): running_state[running_index[i], state_index] = x # track the number of times the weight function was called self.weight_func_evals += len(modified_nodes) def _build_ecdf_table_for_window( self, left, right, tree, edge_diffs, running_output, running_state, running_index, ): """ Construct ECDF table for genomic interval [left, right]. Update ``tree``; ``edge_diffs``; and ``running_output``, ``running_state``, `running_idx``; for input for next window. Trees are counted as belonging to any interval with which they overlap, and thus can be used in several intervals. Thus, the concatenation of ECDF tables across multiple intervals is not the same as the ECDF table for the union of those intervals. Trees within intervals are chunked into roughly equal-sized blocks for bootstrapping. """ assert tree.interval.left <= left and right > left # TODO: if bootstrapping, block span needs to be tracked # and used to renormalise each replicate. This should be # done by the bootstrapping machinery, not here. # assign trees in window to equal-sized blocks with unique id tree_offset = tree.index if right >= tree.tree_sequence.sequence_length: tree.last() else: # won't work if `right` is recomb breakpoint while tree.interval.right < right: tree_idx = np.arange(tree_offset, tree.index + 1) - tree_offset num_blocks = min(self.num_blocks, len(tree_idx)) tree_blocks = np.floor_divide(num_blocks * tree_idx, len(tree_idx)) # calculate span weights tree.seek_index(tree_offset) tree_span = [min(tree.interval.right, right) - max(tree.interval.left, left)] while tree.index < tree_offset + tree_idx[-1]: tree_span.append( min(tree.interval.right, right) - max(tree.interval.left, left) ) tree_span = np.array(tree_span) total_span = np.sum(tree_span) assert np.isclose( total_span, min(right, tree.tree_sequence.sequence_length) - left ) # storage if using single window, block for entire tree sequence buffer_size = self.buffer_size table_size = buffer_size time = np.zeros(table_size) block = np.zeros(table_size, dtype=np.int32) weights = np.zeros((table_size, self.num_weights)) # assemble table of coalescence times in window num_record = 0 accessible_span = 0.0 span_weight = 1.0 indices = np.zeros(tree.tree_sequence.num_nodes, dtype=np.int32) - 1 last_block = np.zeros(tree.tree_sequence.num_nodes, dtype=np.int32) - 1 tree.seek_index(tree_offset) while tree.index != tskit.NULL: if tree.interval.right > left: current_block = tree_blocks[tree.index - tree_offset] if self.span_normalise: span_weight = tree_span[tree.index - tree_offset] / total_span # TODO: shouldn't need to loop over all keys (nodes) for every tree internal_nodes = np.array( [i for i in running_index.keys() if not tree.is_sample(i)], dtype=np.int32, ) if internal_nodes.size > 0: accessible_span += tree_span[tree.index - tree_offset] rows_in_running = np.array( [running_index[i] for i in internal_nodes], dtype=np.int32 ) nodes_to_add = internal_nodes[ last_block[internal_nodes] != current_block ] if nodes_to_add.size > 0: table_idx = np.arange( num_record, num_record + len(nodes_to_add) ) last_block[nodes_to_add] = current_block indices[nodes_to_add] = table_idx if table_size < num_record + len(nodes_to_add): table_size += buffer_size time = np.pad(time, (0, buffer_size)) block = np.pad(block, (0, buffer_size)) weights = np.pad(weights, ((0, buffer_size), (0, 0))) time[table_idx] = [tree.time(i) for i in nodes_to_add] block[table_idx] = current_block num_record += len(nodes_to_add) weights[indices[internal_nodes], :] += ( span_weight * running_output[rows_in_running, :] ) if tree.interval.right < right: # if current tree does not cross window boundary, move to next self._update_running_with_edge_diff( tree, next(edge_diffs), running_output, running_state, running_index ) else: # use current tree as initial tree for next window break # reweight span so that weights are averaged over nonmissing trees if self.span_normalise: weights *= total_span / accessible_span return CoalescenceTimeTable(time, block, weights) def _generate_ecdf_tables(self, ts, window_breaks): """ Return generator for ECDF tables across genomic windows defined by ``window_breaks``. ..note:: This could be used in methods in place of loops over pre-assembled tables. """ tree = ts.first() edge_diffs = ts.edge_diffs() # initialize running arrays for first tree running_index = {i: n for i, n in enumerate(tree.samples())} running_output = np.zeros( (self.running_array_size, self.num_weights), dtype=np.float64, ) running_state = np.zeros( (self.running_array_size, self.num_states), dtype=np.float64, ) for node in tree.samples(): state = self._initialize(node, self.sample_sets) for state_index, x in zip(self.state_indices, state): running_state[running_index[node], state_index] = x self._update_running_with_edge_diff( tree, next(edge_diffs), running_output, running_state, running_index ) for left, right in zip(window_breaks[:-1], window_breaks[1:]): yield self._build_ecdf_table_for_window( left, right, tree, edge_diffs, running_output, running_state, running_index, ) def __init__( self, ts, sample_sets=None, weight_func=None, window_breaks=None, blocks_per_window=None, span_normalise=True, ): assert isinstance(ts, trees.TreeSequence) if sample_sets is None: sample_sets = [list(ts.samples())] assert all([isinstance(i, list) for i in sample_sets]) assert all([i in ts.samples() for j in sample_sets for i in j]) self.sample_sets = sample_sets if weight_func is None or weight_func == "coalescence_events": self._initialize, self._update = self._count_coalescence_events() elif weight_func == "pair_coalescence_events": self._initialize, self._update = self._count_pair_coalescence_events() elif weight_func == "trio_first_coalescence_events": self._initialize, self._update = self._count_trio_first_coalescence_events() else: # user supplies pair of callables ``(initialize, update)`` assert isinstance(weight_func, tuple) assert len(weight_func) == 2 self._initialize, self._update = weight_func assert callable(self._initialize) assert callable(self._update) # check initialization operation _state = self._initialize(0, self.sample_sets) assert isinstance(_state, tuple) self.num_states = 0 self.state_indices = [] for x in _state: # ``assert is_row_vector(x)`` assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray) assert x.ndim == 2 assert x.shape[0] == 1 index = list(range(self.num_states, self.num_states + x.size)) self.state_indices.append(index) self.num_states += x.size # check update operation _weights, _state = self._update(*_state) assert isinstance(_state, tuple) for state_index, x in zip(self.state_indices, _state): # ``assert is_row_vector(x, len(state_index))`` assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray) assert x.ndim == 2 assert x.shape[0] == 1 assert x.size == len(state_index) # ``assert is_row_vector(_weights)`` assert isinstance(_weights, np.ndarray) assert _weights.ndim == 2 assert _weights.shape[0] == 1 self.num_weights = _weights.size if window_breaks is None: window_breaks = np.array([0.0, ts.sequence_length]) assert isinstance(window_breaks, np.ndarray) assert window_breaks.ndim == 1 assert np.min(window_breaks) >= 0.0 assert np.max(window_breaks) <= ts.sequence_length window_breaks = np.sort(np.unique(window_breaks)) = [ trees.Interval(left, right) for left, right in zip(window_breaks[:-1], window_breaks[1:]) ] self.num_windows = len( if blocks_per_window is None: blocks_per_window = 1 assert isinstance(blocks_per_window, int) assert blocks_per_window > 0 self.num_blocks = blocks_per_window assert isinstance(span_normalise, bool) self.span_normalise = span_normalise self.buffer_size = ts.num_nodes self.running_array_size = ts.num_samples * 2 - 1 # assumes no unary nodes self.weight_func_evals = 0 self.tables = [table for table in self._generate_ecdf_tables(ts, window_breaks)] # TODO # # def __str__(self): # return self.useful_text_summary() # # def __repr_html__(self): # return self.useful_html_summary() def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self) def ecdf(self, times): """ Returns the empirical distribution function evaluated at the time points in ``times``. The output array has shape ``(self.num_weights, len(times), self.num_windows)``. """ assert isinstance(times, np.ndarray) assert times.ndim == 1 values = np.empty((self.num_weights, len(times), self.num_windows)) values[:] = np.nan for k, table in enumerate(self.tables): indices = np.searchsorted(table.time, times, side="right") - 1 assert all([0 <= i < table.num_records for i in indices]) values[:, :, k] = table.quantile[indices, :].T return values def quantile(self, quantiles): """ Return interpolated quantiles of weighted coalescence times. """ assert isinstance(quantiles, np.ndarray) assert quantiles.ndim == 1 assert np.all(np.logical_and(quantiles >= 0, quantiles <= 1)) values = np.empty((self.num_weights, quantiles.size, self.num_windows)) values[:] = np.nan for k, table in enumerate(self.tables): # retrieve ECDF for each unique timepoint in table last_index = np.flatnonzero(table.time[:-1] != table.time[1:]) time = np.append(table.time[last_index], table.time[-1]) ecdf = np.append( table.quantile[last_index, :], table.quantile[[-1]], axis=0 ) for i in range(self.num_weights): if not np.isnan(ecdf[-1, i]): # interpolation requires strictly increasing arguments, so # retrieve leftmost x for step-like F(x), including F(0) = 0. assert ecdf[-1, i] == 1.0 assert ecdf[0, i] == 0.0 delta = ecdf[1:, i] - ecdf[:-1, i] first_index = 1 + np.flatnonzero(delta > 0) n_eff = first_index.size weight = delta[first_index - 1] cum_weight = np.roll(ecdf[first_index, i], 1) cum_weight[0] = 0 midpoint = np.arange(n_eff) * weight + (n_eff - 1) * cum_weight assert midpoint[0] == 0 assert midpoint[-1] == n_eff - 1 values[i, :, k] = np.interp( quantiles * (n_eff - 1), midpoint, time[first_index] ) return values def num_coalesced(self, times): """ Returns number of coalescence events that have occured by the time points in ``times``. The output array has shape ``(self.num_weights, len(times), self.num_windows)``. """ assert isinstance(times, np.ndarray) assert times.ndim == 1 values = self.ecdf(times) for k, table in enumerate(self.tables): weight_totals = table.cum_weights[-1, :].reshape(values.shape[0], 1) values[:, :, k] *= np.tile(weight_totals, (1, values.shape[1])) return values def num_uncoalesced(self, times): """ Returns the number of coalescence events remaining by the time points in ``times``. The output array has shape ``(self.num_weights, len(times), self.num_windows)``. """ values = 1.0 - self.ecdf(times) for k, table in enumerate(self.tables): weight_totals = table.cum_weights[-1, :].reshape(values.shape[0], 1) values[:, :, k] *= np.tile(weight_totals, (1, values.shape[1])) return values def mean(self, since=0.0): """ Returns the average time between ``since`` and the coalescence events that occurred after ``since``. Note that ``1/self.mean(left)`` is an estimate of the coalescence rate over the interval (left, infinity). The output array has shape ``(self.num_weights, self.num_windows)``. ..note:: Check for overflow in ``np.average``. """ assert isinstance(since, float) and since >= 0.0 values = np.empty((self.num_weights, self.num_windows)) values[:] = np.nan for k, table in enumerate(self.tables): index = np.searchsorted(table.time, since, side="right") if index == table.num_records: values[:, k] = np.nan else: for i in range(self.num_weights): multiplier = table.block_multiplier[table.block[index:]] weights = table.weights[index:, i] * multiplier if np.any(weights > 0): values[i, k] = np.average( table.time[index:] - since, weights=weights, ) return values def coalescence_probability_in_intervals(self, time_breaks): """ Returns the proportion of coalescence events occurring in the time intervals defined by ``time_breaks``, out of events that have not yet occurred by the intervals' left boundaries. The output array has shape ``(self.num_weights, len(time_breaks)-1, self.num_windows)``. """ assert isinstance(time_breaks, np.ndarray) time_breaks = np.sort(np.unique(time_breaks)) num_coalesced = self.num_coalesced(time_breaks) num_uncoalesced = self.num_uncoalesced(time_breaks) numer = num_coalesced[:, 1:, :] - num_coalesced[:, :-1, :] denom = num_uncoalesced[:, :-1, :] return numer / np.where(np.isclose(denom, 0.0), np.nan, denom) def coalescence_rate_in_intervals(self, time_breaks): """ Returns the interval-censored Kaplan-Meier estimate of the hazard rate for coalesence events within the time intervals defined by ``time_breaks``. The estimator is, .. math:: \\hat{c}_{l,r} = \\begin{cases} \\log(1 - x_{l,r}/k_{l})/(l - r) & \\mathrm{if~} x_{l,r} < k_{l} \\\\ \\hat{c}_{l,r} = k_{l} / t_{l,r} & \\mathrm{if~} x_{l,r} = k_{l} \\end{cases} and is undefined where :math:`k_{l} = 0`. Here, :math:`x_{l,r}` is the number of events occuring in time interval :math:`(l, r]`, :math:`k_{l}` is the number of events remaining at time :math:`l`, and :math:`t_{l,r}` is the sum of event times occurring in the interval :math:`(l, r]`. The output array has shape ``(self.num_weights, len(time_breaks)-1, self.num_windows)``. """ assert isinstance(time_breaks, np.ndarray) time_breaks = np.sort(np.unique(time_breaks)) phi = self.coalescence_probability_in_intervals(time_breaks) duration = np.reshape(time_breaks[1:] - time_breaks[:-1], (1, phi.shape[1], 1)) numer = -np.log(1.0 - np.where(np.isclose(phi, 1.0), np.nan, phi)) denom = np.tile(duration, (self.num_weights, 1, self.num_windows)) for i, j, k in np.argwhere(np.isclose(phi, 1.0)): numer[i, j, k] = 1.0 denom[i, j, k] = self.mean(time_breaks[j])[i, k] return numer / denom def block_bootstrap(self, num_replicates=1, random_seed=None): """ Return a generator that produces ``num_replicates`` copies of the object where blocks within genomic windows are randomly resampled. ..note:: Copying could be expensive. """ rng = np.random.default_rng(random_seed) for _i in range(num_replicates): replicate = self.copy() for table in replicate.tables: block_multiplier = rng.multinomial( table.num_blocks, [1.0 / table.num_blocks] * table.num_blocks ) table.resample_blocks(block_multiplier) yield replicate