Source code for tskit.genotypes

# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Tskit Developers
# Copyright (c) 2015-2018 University of Oxford
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import logging
import typing

import numpy as np

import _tskit
import tskit
import tskit.trees as trees
import tskit.util as util

[docs]class Variant: """ A variant in a tree sequence, describing the observed genetic variation among samples for a given site. A variant consists of (a) a tuple of **alleles** listing the potential allelic states which samples at this site can possess; (b) an array of **genotypes** mapping sample IDs to the observed alleles (c) a reference to the :class:`Site` at which the Variant has been decoded and (d) an array of **samples** giving the node id to which the each element of the genotypes array corresponds. After creation a Variant is not yet decoded, and has no genotypes. To decode a Variant, call the :meth:`decode` method. The Variant class will then use a Tree, internal to the Variant, to seek to the position of the site and decode the genotypes at that site. It is therefore much more efficient to visit sites in sequential genomic order, either in a forwards or backwards direction, than to do so randomly. Each element in the ``alleles`` tuple is a string, representing an observed allelic state that may be seen at this site. The ``alleles`` tuple, which is guaranteed not to contain any duplicates, is generated in one of two ways. The first (and default) way is for ``tskit`` to generate the encoding on the fly while generating genotypes. In this case, the first element of this tuple is guaranteed to be the same as the site's ``ancestral_state`` value. Note that allelic values may be listed that are not referred to by any samples. For example, if we have a site that is fixed for the derived state (i.e., we have a mutation over the tree root), all genotypes will be 1, but the alleles list will be equal to ``('0', '1')``. Other than the ancestral state being the first allele, the alleles are listed in no particular order, and the ordering should not be relied upon (but see the notes on missing data below). The second way is for the user to define the mapping between genotype values and allelic state strings using the ``alleles`` parameter to the :meth:`TreeSequence.variants` method. In this case, there is no indication of which allele is the ancestral state, as the ordering is determined by the user. The ``genotypes`` represent the observed allelic states for each sample, such that ``var.alleles[var.genotypes[j]]`` gives the string allele for sample ID ``j``. Thus, the elements of the genotypes array are indexes into the ``alleles`` list. The genotypes are provided in this way via a numpy numeric array to enable efficient calculations. To obtain a (less efficient) array of allele strings for each sample, you can use e.g. ``np.asarray(variant.alleles)[variant.genotypes]``. When :ref:`missing data<sec_data_model_missing_data>` is present at a given site, the property ``has_missing_data`` will be True, at least one element of the ``genotypes`` array will be equal to ``tskit.MISSING_DATA``, and the last element of the ``alleles`` array will be ``None``. Note that in this case ``variant.num_alleles`` will **not** be equal to ``len(variant.alleles)``. The rationale for adding ``None`` to the end of the ``alleles`` list is to help code that does not handle missing data correctly fail early rather than introducing subtle and hard-to-find bugs. As ``tskit.MISSING_DATA`` is equal to -1, code that decodes genotypes into allelic values without taking missing data into account would otherwise incorrectly output the last allele in the list. :param TreeSequence tree_sequence: The tree sequence to which this variant belongs. :param array_like samples: An array of node IDs for which to generate genotypes, or None for all sample nodes. Default: None. :param bool isolated_as_missing: If True, the genotype value assigned to missing samples (i.e., isolated samples without mutations) is :data:`.MISSING_DATA` (-1). If False, missing samples will be assigned the allele index for the ancestral state. Default: True. :param tuple alleles: A tuple of strings defining the encoding of alleles as integer genotype values. At least one allele must be provided. If duplicate alleles are provided, output genotypes will always be encoded as the first occurrence of the allele. If None (the default), the alleles are encoded as they are encountered during genotype generation. """ def __init__( self, tree_sequence, samples=None, isolated_as_missing=None, alleles=None ): if isolated_as_missing is None: isolated_as_missing = True self.tree_sequence = tree_sequence if samples is not None: samples = util.safe_np_int_cast(samples, np.int32) self._ll_variant = _tskit.Variant( tree_sequence._ll_tree_sequence, samples=samples, isolated_as_missing=isolated_as_missing, alleles=alleles, ) def _check_decoded(self): if self._ll_variant.site_id == tskit.NULL: raise ValueError( "This variant has not yet been decoded at a specific site, " "call Variant.decode to set the site." ) @property def site(self) -> trees.Site: """ The Site object for the site at which this variant has been decoded. """ self._check_decoded() return @property def alleles(self) -> tuple[str | None, ...]: """ A tuple of the allelic values which samples can possess at the current site. Unless an encoding of alleles is specified when creating this variant instance, the first element of this tuple is always the site's ancestral state. """ return self._ll_variant.alleles @property def samples(self) -> np.ndarray: """ A numpy array of the node ids whose genotypes will be returned by the :meth:`genotypes` method. """ return self._ll_variant.samples @property def genotypes(self) -> np.ndarray: """ An array of indexes into the list ``alleles``, giving the state of each sample at the current site. """ self._check_decoded() return self._ll_variant.genotypes @property def isolated_as_missing(self) -> bool: """ True if isolated samples are decoded to missing data. If False, isolated samples are decoded to the ancestral state. """ return self._ll_variant.isolated_as_missing @property def has_missing_data(self) -> bool: """ True if there is missing data for any of the samples at the current site. """ alleles = self._ll_variant.alleles return len(alleles) > 0 and alleles[-1] is None @property def num_missing(self) -> int: """ The number of samples with missing data at this site. """ return np.sum(self.genotypes == tskit.NULL) @property def num_alleles(self) -> int: """ The number of distinct alleles at this site. Note that this may not be the same as the number of distinct values in the genotypes array: firstly missing data is not counted as an allele, and secondly, the site may contain mutations to alternative allele states (which are counted in the number of alleles) without the mutation being inherited by any of the samples. """ return len(self.alleles) - self.has_missing_data # Deprecated alias to avoid breaking existing code. @property def position(self) -> float: return # Deprecated alias to avoid breaking existing code. @property def index(self) -> int: return self._ll_variant.site_id # We need a custom eq for the numpy array def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return ( isinstance(other, Variant) and self.tree_sequence == other.tree_sequence and self._ll_variant.site_id == other._ll_variant.site_id and self._ll_variant.site_id != tskit.NULL and self._ll_variant.alleles == other._ll_variant.alleles and np.array_equal(self._ll_variant.genotypes, other._ll_variant.genotypes) )
[docs] def decode(self, site_id) -> None: """ Decode the variant at the given site, setting the site ID, genotypes and alleles to those of the site and samples of this Variant. :param int site_id: The ID of the site to decode. This must be a valid site ID. """ self._ll_variant.decode(site_id)
[docs] def copy(self) -> Variant: """ Create a copy of this Variant. Note that calling :meth:`decode` on the copy will fail as it does not take a copy of the internal tree. :return: The copy of this Variant. """ variant_copy = Variant.__new__(Variant) variant_copy.tree_sequence = self.tree_sequence variant_copy._ll_variant = self._ll_variant.restricted_copy() return variant_copy
[docs] def counts(self) -> typing.Counter[str | None]: """ Returns a :class:`python:collections.Counter` object providing counts for each possible :attr:`allele <Variant.alleles>` at this site: i.e. the number of samples possessing that allele among the set of samples specified when creating this Variant (by default, this is all the sample nodes in the tree sequence). Missing data is represented by an allelic state of ``None``. :return: A counter of the number of samples associated with each allele. """ counts = collections.Counter() if self.alleles[-1] is None: # we have to treat the last element of the genotypes array as special counts[None] = np.sum(self.genotypes == tskit.MISSING_DATA) for i, allele in enumerate(self.alleles[:-1]): counts[allele] = np.sum(self.genotypes == i) else: bincounts = np.bincount(self.genotypes, minlength=self.num_alleles) for i, allele in enumerate(self.alleles): counts[allele] = bincounts[i] return counts
[docs] def frequencies(self, remove_missing=None) -> dict[str, float]: """ Return a dictionary mapping each possible :attr:`allele <Variant.alleles>` at this site to the frequency of that allele: i.e. the number of samples with that allele divided by the total number of samples, among the set of samples specified when creating this Variant (by default, this is all the sample nodes in the tree sequence). Note, therefore, that if a restricted set of samples was specified on creation, the allele frequencies returned here will *not* be the global allele frequencies in the whole tree sequence. :param bool remove_missing: If True, only samples with non-missing data will be counted in the total number of samples used to calculate the frequency, and no information on the frequency of missing data is returned. Otherwise (default), samples with missing data are included when calculating frequencies. :return: A dictionary mapping allelic states to the frequency of each allele among the samples """ if remove_missing is None: remove_missing = False total = len(self.samples) if remove_missing: total -= self.num_missing if total == 0: logging.warning( "No non-missing samples at this site, frequencies undefined" ) return { allele: count / total if total > 0 else np.nan for allele, count in self.counts().items() if not (allele is None and remove_missing) }
def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return a plain text summary of the contents of a variant. """ try: site_id = site_position = counts = self.counts() freqs = self.frequencies() rows = ( [ ["Site id", str(site_id)], ["Site position", str(site_position)], ["Number of samples", str(len(self.samples))], ["Number of alleles", str(self.num_alleles)], ] + [ [ f"""Samples with allele {'missing' if k is None else "'" + k + "'"}""", f"{counts[k]} ({freqs[k] * 100:.2g}%)", ] for k in self.alleles ] + [ ["Has missing data", str(self.has_missing_data)], ["Isolated as missing", str(bool(self.isolated_as_missing))], ] ) except ValueError as err: rows = [[str(err), ""]] return util.unicode_table(rows, title="Variant") def _repr_html_(self) -> str: """ Return an html summary of a variant. Called by Jupyter notebooks to render a Variant. """ return util.variant_html(self) def __repr__(self): d = { "site":, "samples": self.samples, "alleles": self.alleles, "genotypes": self.genotypes, "has_missing_data": self.has_missing_data, "isolated_as_missing": self.isolated_as_missing, } return f"Variant({repr(d)})"
# # Miscellaneous auxiliary methods. # def allele_remap(alleles_from, alleles_to): # Returns an index map from the elements in one list (alleles_from) # to the elements of another list (alleles_to). # # If some elements in alleles_from are not in alleles_to, # then indices outside of alleles_to are used. alleles_to = np.array(alleles_to, dtype="U") alleles_from = np.array(alleles_from, dtype="U") allele_map = np.empty_like(alleles_from, dtype="uint32") overflow = len(alleles_to) for i, allele in enumerate(alleles_from): try: # Use the index of the first matching element. allele_map[i] = np.where(alleles_to == allele)[0][0] except IndexError: allele_map[i] = overflow overflow += 1 return allele_map