Source code for tsinfer.inference

# Copyright (C) 2018-2022 University of Oxford
# This file is part of tsinfer.
# tsinfer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# tsinfer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with tsinfer.  If not, see <>.
Central module for high-level inference. The actual implementation of
of the core tasks like ancestor generation and matching are delegated
to other modules.
import collections
import copy
import heapq
import json
import logging
import queue
import threading
import time

import humanize
import numpy as np
import tskit

import _tsinfer
import tsinfer.algorithm as algorithm
import tsinfer.constants as constants
import tsinfer.formats as formats
import tsinfer.progress as progress
import tsinfer.provenance as provenance
import tsinfer.threads as threads

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

sample_data_time_metadata_definition = {
    "description": "Time of an individual from the SampleData file.",
    "type": "number",
    # Defaults aren't currently used, see
    "default": 0,

inference_type_metadata_definition = {
    "description": (
        "The type of inference used at this site. This can be one of the following: "
        f"'{constants.INFERENCE_FULL}' for sites which used the standard tsinfer "
        f"algorithm; '{constants.INFERENCE_NONE}' for sites containing only missing "
        f"data or the ancestral state; '{constants.INFERENCE_PARSIMONY}' for sites "
        "that used a parsimony algorithm to place mutations based on trees inferred "
        "from the remaining data."
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [

node_ancestor_data_id_metadata_definition = {
    "description": (
        "The ID of the tsinfer ancestor data node from which this node is derived."
    "type": "number",

node_sample_data_id_metadata_definition = {
    "description": (
        "The ID of the tsinfer sample data node from which this node is derived. "
        "Only present for nodes in which historical samples are treated as ancestors."
    "type": "number",

def add_to_schema(schema, name, definition=None, required=False):
    Adds the specified metadata name to the schema, with the specified definition.
    If the metadata name is already in the schema then either will warn about
    potential overwriting (if the definition is the same and there is a description),
    or will raise an error otherwise (to avoid conflicting metadata definitions).
    schema = copy.deepcopy(schema)
    if definition is None:
        definition = {}
        if name in schema["properties"]:
                if (
                    schema["properties"][name] == definition
                    and definition["description"] != ""
                        f"Metadata {name} with identical description already in schema."
                        " Schema left unchanged: existing metadata may be overwritten."
                    return schema
            except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(f"The metadata {name} is reserved for use by tsinfer")
    except KeyError:
        schema["properties"] = {}
    schema["properties"][name] = definition
    if required:
        if "required" not in schema:
            schema["required"] = []
    return schema

def is_pc_ancestor(flags):
    Returns True if the path compression ancestor flag is set on the specified
    flags value.
    return (flags & constants.NODE_IS_PC_ANCESTOR) != 0

def is_srb_ancestor(flags):
    Returns True if the shared recombination breakpoint flag is set on the
    specified flags value.
    return (flags & constants.NODE_IS_SRB_ANCESTOR) != 0

def count_pc_ancestors(flags):
    Returns the number of values in the specified array which have the
    flags = np.array(flags, dtype=np.uint32, copy=False)
    return np.sum(is_pc_ancestor(flags))

def count_srb_ancestors(flags):
    Returns the number of values in the specified array which have the
    flags = np.array(flags, dtype=np.uint32, copy=False)
    return np.sum(np.bitwise_and(flags, constants.NODE_IS_SRB_ANCESTOR) != 0)

AlleleCounts = collections.namedtuple("AlleleCounts", "known ancestral derived")

def allele_counts(genotypes):
    Return summary counts of the number of different allele types for a genotypes array
    n_known = np.sum(genotypes != tskit.MISSING_DATA)
    n_ancestral = np.sum(genotypes == 0)
    return AlleleCounts(
        known=n_known, ancestral=n_ancestral, derived=n_known - n_ancestral

def _get_progress_monitor(progress_monitor, **kwargs):
    Check if this really is a ProgressMonitor, if not, return something usable as one
    if isinstance(progress_monitor, progress.ProgressMonitor):
        return progress_monitor
    if progress_monitor:
        return progress.ProgressMonitor(**kwargs)
    return progress.DummyProgressMonitor()

def _encode_raw_metadata(obj):
    return json.dumps(obj).encode()

def _update_site_metadata(current_metadata, inference_type):
    return {"inference_type": inference_type, **current_metadata}

def verify(sample_data, tree_sequence, progress_monitor=None):
    verify(samples, tree_sequence)

    Verifies that the specified sample data and tree sequence files encode the
    same data.

    :param SampleData samples: The input :class:`SampleData` instance
        representing the observed data that we wish to compare to.
    :param TreeSequence tree_sequence: The input :class:`tskit.TreeSequence`
        instance an encoding of the specified samples that we wish to verify.
    progress_monitor = _get_progress_monitor(progress_monitor, verify=True)
    if sample_data.num_sites != tree_sequence.num_sites:
        raise ValueError("numbers of sites not equal")
    if sample_data.num_samples != tree_sequence.num_samples:
        raise ValueError("numbers of samples not equal")
    if sample_data.sequence_length != tree_sequence.sequence_length:
        raise ValueError("Sequence lengths not equal")
    progress = progress_monitor.get("verify", tree_sequence.num_sites)
    for var1, var2 in zip(
        sample_data.variants(recode_ancestral=True), tree_sequence.variants()
        if !=
            raise ValueError(
                "site positions not equal: {} != {}".format(
        # First (ancestral) allele should always be the same
        if var1.alleles[0] != var2.alleles[0]:
            raise ValueError(f"Ancestral allele not equal at site {}")
        if var1.alleles != var2.alleles:
            # Alleles may be in a different order, or even present/absent if not in the
            # genotype matrix so we need to explicitly compare the decoded values (slow)
            for i, (g1, g2) in enumerate(zip(var1.genotypes, var2.genotypes)):
                # We don't expect missingness in a tsinfer generated tree sequence
                assert g2 != tskit.NULL
                if g1 != tskit.NULL and var1.alleles[g1] != var2.alleles[g2]:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Alleles for sample {i} not equal at site {}"
            g1 = var1.genotypes
            g2 = np.copy(var2.genotypes)
            missing_mask = g1 == tskit.NULL
            g2[missing_mask] = tskit.NULL
            if not np.array_equal(g1, g2):
                raise ValueError(f"Genotypes not equal at site {}")

def check_sample_indexes(sample_data, indexes):
    Checks that the specified sample indexes are valid for the specified
    sample data file.
    if indexes is None:
        return np.arange(sample_data.num_samples, dtype=np.int32)
    indexes = np.array(indexes)
    if len(indexes) == 0:
        raise ValueError("Must supply at least one sample to match")
    if np.any(indexes < 0) or np.any(indexes >= sample_data.num_samples):
        raise ValueError("Sample index out of bounds")
    if np.any(indexes[:-1] >= indexes[1:]):
        raise ValueError("Sample indexes must be in increasing order")
    return indexes

[docs] def infer( sample_data, *, recombination_rate=None, mismatch_ratio=None, path_compression=True, exclude_positions=None, post_process=None, num_threads=0, # Deliberately undocumented parameters below precision=None, engine=constants.C_ENGINE, progress_monitor=None, time_units=None, simplify=None, # Deprecated record_provenance=True, ): """ infer(sample_data, *, recombination_rate=None, mismatch_ratio=None,\ path_compression=True, exclude_positions=None, post_process=None,\ num_threads=0) Runs the full :ref:`inference pipeline <sec_inference>` on the specified :class:`SampleData` instance and returns the inferred :class:`tskit.TreeSequence`. See :ref:`matching ancestors & samples<sec_inference_match_ancestors_and_samples>` in the documentation for details of ``recombination_rate``, ``mismatch_ratio`` and ``path_compression``. .. note:: For finer grained control over inference, for example to set different mismatch ratios when matching ancestors versus samples, run :func:`tsinfer.generate_ancestors`, :func:`tsinfer.match_ancestors` and :func:`tsinfer.match_samples` separately. :param SampleData sample_data: The input :class:`SampleData` instance representing the observed data that we wish to make inferences from. :param recombination_rate: Either a floating point value giving a constant rate :math:`\\rho` per unit length of genome, or an :class:`msprime.RateMap` object. This is used to calculate the probability of recombination between adjacent sites. If ``None``, all matching conflicts are resolved by recombination and all inference sites will have a single mutation (equivalent to mismatch_ratio near zero) :type recombination_rate: float, msprime.RateMap :param float mismatch_ratio: The probability of a mismatch relative to the median probability of recombination between adjacent sites: can only be used if a recombination rate has been set (default: ``None`` treated as 1 if ``recombination_rate`` is set). :param bool path_compression: Whether to merge edges that share identical paths (essentially taking advantage of shared recombination breakpoints). :param bool post_process: Whether to run the :func:`post_process` method on the the tree sequence which, among other things, removes ancestral material that does not end up in the current samples (if not specified, defaults to ``True``) :param array_like exclude_positions: A list of site positions to exclude for full inference. Sites with these positions will not be used to generate ancestors, and not used during the copying process. Any such sites that exist in the sample data file will be included in the trees after the main inference process using parsimony. The list does not need to be in to be in any particular order, and can include site positions that are not present in the sample data file. :param int num_threads: The number of worker threads to use in parallelised sections of the algorithm. If <= 0, do not spawn any threads and use simpler sequential algorithms (default). :param bool simplify: When post_processing, only simplify the tree sequence. deprecated but retained for backwards compatibility (default: ``None``). :return: The :class:`tskit.TreeSequence` object inferred from the input sample data. :rtype: tskit.TreeSequence """ progress_monitor = _get_progress_monitor( progress_monitor, generate_ancestors=True, match_ancestors=True, match_samples=True, ) ancestor_data = generate_ancestors( sample_data, num_threads=num_threads, exclude_positions=exclude_positions, engine=engine, progress_monitor=progress_monitor, record_provenance=False, ) ancestors_ts = match_ancestors( sample_data, ancestor_data, engine=engine, num_threads=num_threads, recombination_rate=recombination_rate, mismatch_ratio=mismatch_ratio, precision=precision, path_compression=path_compression, progress_monitor=progress_monitor, time_units=time_units, record_provenance=False, ) inferred_ts = match_samples( sample_data, ancestors_ts, engine=engine, num_threads=num_threads, recombination_rate=recombination_rate, mismatch_ratio=mismatch_ratio, precision=precision, post_process=post_process, path_compression=path_compression, progress_monitor=progress_monitor, simplify=simplify, record_provenance=False, ) if record_provenance: tables = inferred_ts.dump_tables() record = provenance.get_provenance_dict( command="infer", mismatch_ratio=mismatch_ratio, ) tables.provenances.add_row(record=json.dumps(record)) inferred_ts = tables.tree_sequence() return inferred_ts
[docs] def generate_ancestors( sample_data, *, path=None, exclude_positions=None, num_threads=0, # Deliberately undocumented parameters below engine=constants.C_ENGINE, progress_monitor=None, record_provenance=True, **kwargs, ): """ generate_ancestors(sample_data, *, path=None, exclude_positions=None,\ num_threads=0, **kwargs) Runs the ancestor generation :ref:`algorithm <sec_inference_generate_ancestors>` on the specified :class:`SampleData` instance and returns the resulting :class:`AncestorData` instance. If you wish to store generated ancestors persistently on file you must pass the ``path`` keyword argument to this function. For example, .. code-block:: python ancestor_data = tsinfer.generate_ancestors(sample_data, path="mydata.ancestors") Other keyword arguments are passed to the :class:`AncestorData` constructor, which may be used to control the storage properties of the generated file. :param SampleData sample_data: The :class:`SampleData` instance that we are genering putative ancestors from. :param str path: The path of the file to store the sample data. If None, the information is stored in memory and not persistent. :param array_like exclude_positions: A list of site positions to exclude for full inference. Sites with these positions will not be used to generate ancestors, and not used during the copying process. The list does not need be in any particular order. :param int num_threads: The number of worker threads to use. If < 1, use a simpler synchronous algorithm. :return: The inferred ancestors stored in an :class:`AncestorData` instance. :rtype: AncestorData """ sample_data._check_finalised() if np.any(np.isfinite(sample_data.sites_time[:])) and np.any( tskit.is_unknown_time(sample_data.sites_time[:]) ): raise ValueError( "Cannot generate ancestors from a sample_data instance that mixes user-" "specified times with times-as-frequencies. To explicitly set an undefined" "time for a site, permanently excluding it from inference, set it to np.nan." ) with formats.AncestorData(sample_data, path=path, **kwargs) as ancestor_data: generator = AncestorsGenerator( sample_data, ancestor_data, num_threads=num_threads, engine=engine, progress_monitor=progress_monitor, ) generator.add_sites(exclude_positions) if record_provenance: ancestor_data.record_provenance("generate_ancestors") return ancestor_data
[docs] def match_ancestors( sample_data, ancestor_data, *, recombination_rate=None, mismatch_ratio=None, path_compression=True, num_threads=0, # Deliberately undocumented parameters below recombination=None, # See :class:`Matcher` mismatch=None, # See :class:`Matcher` precision=None, engine=constants.C_ENGINE, progress_monitor=None, extended_checks=False, time_units=None, record_provenance=True, ): """ match_ancestors(sample_data, ancestor_data, *, recombination_rate=None,\ mismatch_ratio=None, path_compression=True, num_threads=0) Run the ancestor matching :ref:`algorithm <sec_inference_match_ancestors>` on the specified :class:`SampleData` and :class:`AncestorData` instances, returning the resulting :class:`tskit.TreeSequence` representing the complete ancestry of the putative ancestors. See :ref:`matching ancestors & samples<sec_inference_match_ancestors_and_samples>` in the documentation for details of ``recombination_rate``, ``mismatch_ratio`` and ``path_compression``. :param SampleData sample_data: The :class:`SampleData` instance representing the input data. :param AncestorData ancestor_data: The :class:`AncestorData` instance representing the set of ancestral haplotypes for which we are finding a history. :param recombination_rate: Either a floating point value giving a constant rate :math:`\\rho` per unit length of genome, or an :class:`msprime.RateMap` object. This is used to calculate the probability of recombination between adjacent sites. If ``None``, all matching conflicts are resolved by recombination and all inference sites will have a single mutation (equivalent to mismatch_ratio near zero) :type recombination_rate: float, msprime.RateMap :param float mismatch_ratio: The probability of a mismatch relative to the median probability of recombination between adjacent sites: can only be used if a recombination rate has been set (default: ``None`` treated as 1 if ``recombination_rate`` is set). :param bool path_compression: Whether to merge edges that share identical paths (essentially taking advantage of shared recombination breakpoints). :param int num_threads: The number of match worker threads to use. If this is <= 0 then a simpler sequential algorithm is used (default). :return: The ancestors tree sequence representing the inferred history of the set of ancestors. :rtype: tskit.TreeSequence """ progress_monitor = _get_progress_monitor(progress_monitor, match_ancestors=True) sample_data._check_finalised() ancestor_data._check_finalised() matcher = AncestorMatcher( sample_data, ancestor_data, time_units=time_units, recombination_rate=recombination_rate, recombination=recombination, mismatch_ratio=mismatch_ratio, mismatch=mismatch, path_compression=path_compression, num_threads=num_threads, precision=precision, extended_checks=extended_checks, engine=engine, progress_monitor=progress_monitor, ) ts = matcher.match_ancestors() tables = ts.dump_tables() for timestamp, record in ancestor_data.provenances(): tables.provenances.add_row(timestamp=timestamp, record=json.dumps(record)) if record_provenance: record = provenance.get_provenance_dict( command="match_ancestors", source={"uuid": ancestor_data.uuid}, mismatch_ratio=mismatch_ratio, ) tables.provenances.add_row(record=json.dumps(record)) ts = tables.tree_sequence() return ts
[docs] def augment_ancestors( sample_data, ancestors_ts, indexes, *, recombination_rate=None, mismatch_ratio=None, path_compression=True, num_threads=0, # Deliberately undocumented parameters below recombination=None, # See :class:`Matcher` mismatch=None, # See :class:`Matcher` precision=None, extended_checks=False, engine=constants.C_ENGINE, progress_monitor=None, record_provenance=True, ): """ augment_ancestors(sample_data, ancestors_ts, indexes, *, recombination_rate=None,\ mismatch_ratio=None, path_compression=True, num_threads=0) Runs the sample matching :ref:`algorithm <sec_inference_match_samples>` on the specified :class:`SampleData` instance and ancestors tree sequence, for the specified subset of sample indexes, returning the :class:`tskit.TreeSequence` instance including these samples. This tree sequence can then be used as an ancestors tree sequence for subsequent matching against all samples. See :ref:`matching ancestors & samples<sec_inference_match_ancestors_and_samples>` in the documentation for details of ``recombination_rate``, ``mismatch_ratio`` and ``path_compression``. :param SampleData sample_data: The :class:`SampleData` instance representing the input data. :param tskit.TreeSequence ancestors_ts: The :class:`tskit.TreeSequence` instance representing the inferred history among ancestral ancestral haplotypes. :param array indexes: The sample indexes to insert into the ancestors tree sequence, in increasing order. :param recombination_rate: Either a floating point value giving a constant rate :math:`\\rho` per unit length of genome, or an :class:`msprime.RateMap` object. This is used to calculate the probability of recombination between adjacent sites. If ``None``, all matching conflicts are resolved by recombination and all inference sites will have a single mutation (equivalent to mismatch_ratio near zero) :type recombination_rate: float, msprime.RateMap :param float mismatch_ratio: The probability of a mismatch relative to the median probability of recombination between adjacent sites: can only be used if a recombination rate has been set (default: ``None`` treated as 1 if ``recombination_rate`` is set). :param bool path_compression: Whether to merge edges that share identical paths (essentially taking advantage of shared recombination breakpoints). :param int num_threads: The number of match worker threads to use. If this is <= 0 then a simpler sequential algorithm is used (default). :return: The specified ancestors tree sequence augmented with copying paths for the specified sample. :rtype: tskit.TreeSequence """ sample_data._check_finalised() progress_monitor = _get_progress_monitor(progress_monitor, augment_ancestors=True) manager = SampleMatcher( sample_data, ancestors_ts, recombination_rate=recombination_rate, mismatch_ratio=mismatch_ratio, recombination=recombination, mismatch=mismatch, path_compression=path_compression, num_threads=num_threads, precision=precision, extended_checks=extended_checks, engine=engine, progress_monitor=progress_monitor, ) sample_indexes = check_sample_indexes(sample_data, indexes) sample_times = np.zeros( len(sample_indexes), dtype=sample_data.individuals_time.dtype ) manager.match_samples(sample_indexes, sample_times) ts = manager.get_augmented_ancestors_tree_sequence(sample_indexes) if record_provenance: tables = ts.dump_tables() record = provenance.get_provenance_dict( command="augment_ancestors", mismatch_ratio=mismatch_ratio, ) tables.provenances.add_row(record=json.dumps(record)) ts = tables.tree_sequence() return ts
[docs] def match_samples( sample_data, ancestors_ts, *, recombination_rate=None, mismatch_ratio=None, path_compression=True, indexes=None, post_process=None, force_sample_times=False, num_threads=0, # Deliberately undocumented parameters below recombination=None, # See :class:`Matcher` mismatch=None, # See :class:`Matcher` precision=None, extended_checks=False, engine=constants.C_ENGINE, progress_monitor=None, simplify=None, # deprecated record_provenance=True, ): """ match_samples(sample_data, ancestors_ts, *, recombination_rate=None,\ mismatch_ratio=None, path_compression=True, post_process=None,\ indexes=None, force_sample_times=False, num_threads=0) Runs the sample matching :ref:`algorithm <sec_inference_match_samples>` on the specified :class:`SampleData` instance and ancestors tree sequence, returning the final :class:`tskit.TreeSequence` instance containing the full inferred history for all samples and sites. See :ref:`matching ancestors & samples<sec_inference_match_ancestors_and_samples>` in the documentation for details of ``recombination_rate``, ``mismatch_ratio`` and ``path_compression``. :param SampleData sample_data: The :class:`SampleData` instance representing the input data. :param tskit.TreeSequence ancestors_ts: The :class:`tskit.TreeSequence` instance representing the inferred history among ancestral ancestral haplotypes. :param recombination_rate: Either a floating point value giving a constant rate :math:`\\rho` per unit length of genome, or an :class:`msprime.RateMap` object. This is used to calculate the probability of recombination between adjacent sites. If ``None``, all matching conflicts are resolved by recombination and all inference sites will have a single mutation (equivalent to mismatch_ratio near zero) :type recombination_rate: float, msprime.RateMap :param float mismatch_ratio: The probability of a mismatch relative to the median probability of recombination between adjacent sites: can only be used if a recombination rate has been set (default: ``None`` treated as 1 if ``recombination_rate`` is set). :param bool path_compression: Whether to merge edges that share identical paths (essentially taking advantage of shared recombination breakpoints). :param array_like indexes: An array of indexes into the sample_data file of the samples to match (in increasing order) or None for all samples. :param bool post_process: Whether to run the :func:`post_process` method on the the tree sequence which, among other things, removes ancestral material that does not end up in the current samples (if not specified, defaults to ``True``) :param bool force_sample_times: After matching, should an attempt be made to adjust the time of "historical samples" (those associated with an individual having a non-zero time) such that the sample nodes in the tree sequence appear at the time of the individual with which they are associated. :param int num_threads: The number of match worker threads to use. If this is <= 0 then a simpler sequential algorithm is used (default). :param bool simplify: Treated as an alias for ``post_process``, deprecated but currently retained for backwards compatibility if set to ``False``. :return: The tree sequence representing the inferred history of the sample. :rtype: tskit.TreeSequence """ simplify_only = False # if true, carry out "old" (deprecated) simplify behaviour if simplify is None: if post_process is None: post_process = True else: if post_process is not None: raise ValueError("Can't specify both `simplify` and `post_process`") else: if simplify: logger.warning( "The `simplify` parameter is deprecated in favour of `post_process`" ) simplify_only = True post_process = True else: post_process = False sample_data._check_finalised() progress_monitor = _get_progress_monitor(progress_monitor, match_samples=True) manager = SampleMatcher( sample_data, ancestors_ts, recombination_rate=recombination_rate, mismatch_ratio=mismatch_ratio, recombination=recombination, mismatch=mismatch, path_compression=path_compression, num_threads=num_threads, precision=precision, extended_checks=extended_checks, engine=engine, progress_monitor=progress_monitor, ) sample_indexes = check_sample_indexes(sample_data, indexes) sample_times = np.zeros( len(sample_indexes), dtype=sample_data.individuals_time.dtype ) if force_sample_times: individuals = sample_data.samples_individual[:][sample_indexes] # By construction all samples in an sd file have an individual: but check anyway assert np.all(individuals >= 0) sample_times = sample_data.individuals_time[:][individuals] # Here we might want to re-order sample_indexes and sample_times # so that any historical ones come first, any we bomb out early if they conflict # but that would mean re-ordering the sample nodes in the final ts, and # we sometimes assume they are in the same order as in the file manager.match_samples(sample_indexes, sample_times) ts = manager.finalise() if post_process: ts = _post_process( ts, warn_if_unexpected_format=True, simplify_only=simplify_only ) if record_provenance: tables = ts.dump_tables() # We don't have a source here because tree sequence files don't have a UUID yet. record = provenance.get_provenance_dict( command="match_samples", mismatch_ratio=mismatch_ratio, ) tables.provenances.add_row(record=json.dumps(record)) ts = tables.tree_sequence() return ts
def insert_missing_sites( sample_data, tree_sequence, *, sample_id_map=None, progress_monitor=None ): """ Return a new tree sequence containing extra sites that are present in a :class:`SampleData` instance but are missing from a corresponding tree sequence. At each newly inserted site, mutations are overlaid parsimoneously, using :meth:`tskit.Tree.map_mutations`, such that the realised variation at that site corresponds to the allelic distribution seen in the sample_data file. Sites that have mutations overlaid in this way can be identified in the output tree sequence as their :ref:`metadata<tskit.sec_metadata_definition>` will contain a key named ``inference`` set to ``tsinfer.INFERENCE_PARSIMONY``. Newly inserted sites that do not require mutations will have this set to `tsinfer.INFERENCE_NONE` instead. Sites in ``sample_data`` that already exist in the tree sequence are left untouched. By default, sample 0 in ``sample_data`` is assumed to correspond to the first sample node in the input tree sequence (i.e. ``tree_sequence.samples()[0]``), sample 1 to the second sample node, and so on. If this is not the case, a map can be provided, which specifies the sample ids in ``sample_data`` that correspond to the sample nodes in the tree sequence. This also allows the use of :class:`SampleData` instances that contain samples in addition to those in the original tree sequence. .. note:: Sample states observed as missing in the input ``sample_data`` need not correspond to samples whose nodes are actually "missing" (i.e. :ref:`isolated<tskit.sec_data_model_missing_data>`) in the input tree sequence. In this case, the allelic state of the sample in the returned tree sequence will be imputed to the most parsimonious state. .. note:: If the ancestral state at a site is unknown (i.e. ``tskit.MISSING_DATA``), it will be inferred by parsimony. If it is unknown and all sample data is missing at that site, the site will be created with an ancestral state set to the empty string. :param SampleData sample_data: The :class:`SampleData` instance containing some sites that are not in the input tree sequence. :param tskit.TreeSequence tree_sequence: The input :class:`tskit.TreeSequence` whose sample nodes correspond to a set of samples in the sample_data. :param sample_id_map array: An array of length `tree_sequence.num_samples` specifying the indexes of samples in the sample_data file that correspond to sample nodes ``0..(num_samples-1)`` in the tree sequence. If None, assume that all the samples in sample_data correspond to the sample nodes in the tree sequence, and are in the same order. :return: The input tree sequence with additional sites and mutations. :rtype: tskit.TreeSequence """ if sample_data.sequence_length != tree_sequence.sequence_length: raise ValueError( "sample_data and tree_sequence must have the same sequence length" ) if sample_id_map is None: sample_id_map = np.arange(sample_data.num_samples) if len(sample_id_map) != tree_sequence.num_samples: raise ValueError( "You must specify the same number of samples in sample_data " "as in the tree_sequence" ) progress_monitor = _get_progress_monitor(progress_monitor) tables = tree_sequence.dump_tables() trees = tree_sequence.trees() tree = next(trees) positions = sample_data.sites_position[:] new_sd_sites = np.where(np.isin(positions, tables.sites.position) == 0)[0] schema = tables.sites.metadata_schema.schema # Create new sites and add the mutations progress = progress_monitor.get("ms_extra_sites", len(new_sd_sites)) for variant in sample_data.variants(sites=new_sd_sites, recode_ancestral=True): site = pos = site.position anc_state = site.ancestral_state anc_value = 0 # variant(recode_ancestral=True) always has 0 as the anc index G = variant.genotypes[sample_id_map] # We can't perform parsimony inference if all sites are missing, and there's no # point if all non-missing sites are the ancestral state, so skip these cases if np.all(np.logical_or(G == tskit.MISSING_DATA, G == anc_value)): metadata = _update_site_metadata( site.metadata, inference_type=constants.INFERENCE_NONE ) if schema is None: metadata = _encode_raw_metadata(metadata) tables.sites.add_row( position=pos, ancestral_state="" if anc_state is None else anc_state, metadata=metadata, ) else: while tree.interval[1] <= pos: tree = next(trees) anc_state, mapped_mutations = tree.map_mutations( G, variant.alleles, ancestral_state=anc_state ) metadata = _update_site_metadata( site.metadata, inference_type=constants.INFERENCE_PARSIMONY ) if schema is None: metadata = _encode_raw_metadata(metadata) new_site_id = tables.sites.add_row( position=pos, ancestral_state=anc_state, metadata=metadata, ) mut_map = {tskit.NULL: tskit.NULL} for i, mutation in enumerate(mapped_mutations): mut_map[i] = tables.mutations.add_row( site=new_site_id, node=mutation.node, derived_state=mutation.derived_state, parent=mut_map[mutation.parent], ) progress.update() progress.close() tables.sort() return tables.tree_sequence() class AncestorsGenerator: """ Manages the process of building ancestors. """ def __init__( self, sample_data, ancestor_data, num_threads=0, engine=constants.C_ENGINE, progress_monitor=None, ): self.sample_data = sample_data self.ancestor_data = ancestor_data self.progress_monitor = _get_progress_monitor( progress_monitor, generate_ancestors=True ) self.max_sites = sample_data.num_sites self.num_sites = 0 self.num_samples = sample_data.num_samples self.num_threads = num_threads if engine == constants.C_ENGINE: logger.debug("Using C AncestorBuilder implementation") self.ancestor_builder = _tsinfer.AncestorBuilder( self.num_samples, self.max_sites ) elif engine == constants.PY_ENGINE: logger.debug("Using Python AncestorBuilder implementation") self.ancestor_builder = algorithm.AncestorBuilder( self.num_samples, self.max_sites ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown engine:{engine}") def add_sites(self, exclude_positions=None): """ Add all sites that are suitable for inference into the ancestor builder (and subsequent inference), unless they are held in the specified list of excluded site positions. Suitable sites have only 2 listed alleles, one of which is defined as the ancestral_state, and where at least two samples carry the derived allele and at least one sample carries the ancestral allele. Suitable sites will be added at the time given by site.time, unless site.time is ``np.nan`` or ``tskit.UNKNOWN_TIME``. In the first case, the site will simply excluded as if it were in the list of ``excluded_positions``. In the second case, then the time associated with the site will be the frequency of the derived allele (i.e. the number of samples with the derived allele divided by the total number of samples with non-missing alleles). """ if exclude_positions is None: exclude_positions = set() else: exclude_positions = np.array(exclude_positions, dtype=np.float64) if len(exclude_positions.shape) != 1: raise ValueError("exclude_positions must be a 1D array of numbers") exclude_positions = set(exclude_positions)"Starting addition of {self.max_sites} sites") progress = self.progress_monitor.get("ga_add_sites", self.max_sites) inference_site_id = [] for variant in self.sample_data.variants(recode_ancestral=True): # If there's missing data the last allele is None num_alleles = len(variant.alleles) - int(variant.alleles[-1] is None) counts = allele_counts(variant.genotypes) use_site = False site = if ( site.position not in exclude_positions and num_alleles == 2 # This will ensure that the derived state is "1" and 1 < counts.derived < counts.known and site.ancestral_state is not None ): use_site = True time = site.time if tskit.is_unknown_time(time): # Non-variable sites have no obvious freq-as-time values assert counts.known != counts.derived assert counts.known != counts.ancestral time = counts.derived / counts.known if np.isnan(time): use_site = False # Site with meaningless time value: skip inference if use_site: self.ancestor_builder.add_site(time, variant.genotypes) inference_site_id.append( self.num_sites += 1 progress.update() progress.close() self.ancestor_data.set_inference_sites(inference_site_id)"Finished adding sites") def _run_synchronous(self, progress): a = np.zeros(self.num_sites, dtype=np.int8) for t, focal_sites in self.descriptors: before = time.perf_counter() start, end = self.ancestor_builder.make_ancestor(focal_sites, a) duration = time.perf_counter() - before logger.debug( "Made ancestor in {:.2f}s at timepoint {} (epoch {}) " "from {} to {} (len={}) with {} focal sites ({})".format( duration, t, self.timepoint_to_epoch[t], start, end, end - start, focal_sites.shape[0], focal_sites, ) ) self.ancestor_data.add_ancestor( start=start, end=end, time=t, focal_sites=focal_sites, haplotype=a[start:end], ) progress.update() def _run_threaded(self, progress): # This works by pushing the ancestor descriptors onto the build_queue, # which the worker threads pop off and process. We need to add ancestors # in the the ancestor_data object in the correct order, so we maintain # a priority queue (add_queue) which allows us to track the next smallest # index of the generated ancestor. We add build ancestors to this queue # as they are built, and drain it when we can. queue_depth = 8 * self.num_threads # Seems like a reasonable limit build_queue = queue.Queue(queue_depth) add_lock = threading.Lock() next_add_index = 0 add_queue = [] def drain_add_queue(): nonlocal next_add_index num_drained = 0 while len(add_queue) > 0 and add_queue[0][0] == next_add_index: _, t, focal_sites, s, e, haplotype = heapq.heappop(add_queue) self.ancestor_data.add_ancestor( start=s, end=e, time=t, focal_sites=focal_sites, haplotype=haplotype ) progress.update() next_add_index += 1 num_drained += 1 logger.debug(f"Drained {num_drained} ancestors from add queue") def build_worker(thread_index): a = np.zeros(self.num_sites, dtype=np.int8) while True: work = build_queue.get() if work is None: break index, t, focal_sites = work start, end = self.ancestor_builder.make_ancestor(focal_sites, a) with add_lock: haplotype = a[start:end].copy() heapq.heappush( add_queue, (index, t, focal_sites, start, end, haplotype) ) drain_add_queue() build_queue.task_done() build_queue.task_done() build_threads = [ threads.queue_consumer_thread( build_worker, build_queue, name=f"build-worker-{j}", index=j ) for j in range(self.num_threads) ] logger.debug(f"Started {self.num_threads} build worker threads") for index, (t, focal_sites) in enumerate(self.descriptors): build_queue.put((index, t, focal_sites)) # Stop the the worker threads. for _ in range(self.num_threads): build_queue.put(None) for j in range(self.num_threads): build_threads[j].join() drain_add_queue() def run(self): self.descriptors = self.ancestor_builder.ancestor_descriptors() self.num_ancestors = len(self.descriptors) # Maps epoch numbers to their corresponding ancestor times. self.timepoint_to_epoch = {} for t, _ in reversed(self.descriptors): if t not in self.timepoint_to_epoch: self.timepoint_to_epoch[t] = len(self.timepoint_to_epoch) + 1 if self.num_ancestors > 0:"Starting build for {self.num_ancestors} ancestors") progress = self.progress_monitor.get("ga_generate", self.num_ancestors) a = np.zeros(self.num_sites, dtype=np.int8) root_time = max(self.timepoint_to_epoch.keys()) av_timestep = root_time / len(self.timepoint_to_epoch) root_time += av_timestep # Add a root a bit older than the oldest ancestor # Add an extra ancestor to act as a type of "virtual root" for the matching # algorithm: rather an awkward hack, but also allows the ancestor IDs to # line up. It's normally removed when processing the final tree sequence. self.ancestor_data.add_ancestor( start=0, end=self.num_sites, time=root_time + av_timestep, focal_sites=np.array([], dtype=np.int32), haplotype=a, ) # This is the the "ultimate ancestor" of all zeros self.ancestor_data.add_ancestor( start=0, end=self.num_sites, time=root_time, focal_sites=np.array([], dtype=np.int32), haplotype=a, ) if self.num_threads <= 0: self._run_synchronous(progress) else: self._run_threaded(progress) progress.close()"Finished building ancestors") class Matcher: """ A matching instance, used in both ``tsinfer.match_ancestors`` and ``tsinfer.match_samples``. For details of the ``path_compression``, `recombination_rate`` and ``mismatch_ratio`` parameters, see :ref:`matching ancestors & samples<sec_inference_match_ancestors_and_samples>`. Note that the ``recombination`` and ``mismatch`` parameters can be used in ``match_ancestors`` and ``match_samples`` and are passed directly to this function, but are deliberately not publicly documented in those methods. They are expected to be numpy arrays of length ``num_inference_sites - 1`` and ``num_inference_sites`` respectively, containing values between 0 and 1, and allow recombination and mismatch probabilities to be set directly. The ``recombination`` probabilities measure the probability of a recombination event between adjacent inference sites, used to calculate the HMM transition probabilities in the L&S-like matching algorithm. The ``mismatch`` probabilities are used to calculate the emission probabilities in the HMM. Note that values > 0.5 in the recombination and (particularly) the mutation arrays are likely to lead to pathological behaviour - for example, a mismatch probability of 1 means that a mismatch is *required* at every site. For this reason, the probabilities created for recombination and mismatch when using the the public-facing ``recombination_rate`` and ``mismatch_ratio`` parameters are never > 0.5. TODO: include deliberately non-public details of precision here. """ def __init__( self, sample_data, inference_site_position, num_threads=1, path_compression=True, recombination_rate=None, mismatch_ratio=None, recombination=None, mismatch=None, precision=None, extended_checks=False, engine=constants.C_ENGINE, progress_monitor=None, allow_multiallele=False, ): self.sample_data = sample_data self.num_threads = num_threads self.path_compression = path_compression self.num_samples = self.sample_data.num_samples self.num_sites = len(inference_site_position) if self.num_sites == 0: logger.warning("No sites used for inference") num_intervals = max(self.num_sites - 1, 0) self.progress_monitor = _get_progress_monitor(progress_monitor) self.match_progress = None # Allocated by subclass self.extended_checks = extended_checks all_sites = self.sample_data.sites_position[:] index = np.searchsorted(all_sites, inference_site_position) num_alleles = sample_data.num_alleles()[index] if not np.all(all_sites[index] == inference_site_position): raise ValueError( "Site positions for inference must be a subset of those in " "the sample data file." ) self.inference_site_id = index # Map of site index to tree sequence position. Bracketing # values of 0 and L are used for simplicity. self.position_map = np.hstack( [inference_site_position, [sample_data.sequence_length]] ) self.position_map[0] = 0 self.recombination = np.zeros(self.num_sites) # TODO: reduce len by 1 self.mismatch = np.zeros(self.num_sites) if recombination is not None or mismatch is not None: if recombination is None or mismatch is None: raise ValueError( "Directly setting probabilities requires specifying " "both 'recombination' and 'mismatch'" ) if recombination_rate is not None or mismatch_ratio is not None: raise ValueError( "Cannot simultaneously specify recombination & recombination_rate, " "or mismatch and mismatch_ratio" )"Recombination and mismatch probabilities given by user") else: # Must set recombination and mismatch arrays if recombination_rate is None and mismatch_ratio is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot use mismatch without setting recombination") if ( recombination_rate is None and mismatch_ratio is None ) or num_intervals == 0: # Special case: revert to tsinfer 0.1 behaviour with no mismatch allowed default_recombination_prob = 1e-2 default_mismatch_prob = 1e-20 # Substantially < the value above recombination = np.full(num_intervals, default_recombination_prob) mismatch = np.full(self.num_sites, default_mismatch_prob) "Mismatch prevented by setting constant high recombination and " + "low mismatch probabilities" ) else: genetic_dists = self.recombination_rate_to_dist( recombination_rate, inference_site_position ) recombination = self.recombination_dist_to_prob(genetic_dists) if mismatch_ratio is None: mismatch_ratio = 1.0 mismatch = np.full( self.num_sites, self.mismatch_ratio_to_prob( mismatch_ratio, np.median(genetic_dists), num_alleles ), ) "Recombination and mismatch probabilities calculated from " + f"specified recomb rates with mismatch ratio = {mismatch_ratio}" ) if len(recombination) != num_intervals: raise ValueError("Bad length for recombination array") if len(mismatch) != self.num_sites: raise ValueError("Bad length for mismatch array") if not (np.all(recombination >= 0) and np.all(recombination <= 1)): raise ValueError("Underlying recombination probabilities not between 0 & 1") if not (np.all(mismatch >= 0) and np.all(mismatch <= 1)): raise ValueError("Underlying mismatch probabilities not between 0 & 1") if precision is None: precision = 13 self.recombination[1:] = recombination self.mismatch[:] = mismatch self.precision = precision if len(recombination) == 0:"Fewer than two inference sites: no recombination possible") else: "Summary of recombination probabilities between sites: " f"min={np.min(recombination):.5g}; " f"max={np.max(recombination):.5g}; " f"median={np.median(recombination):.5g}; " f"mean={np.mean(recombination):.5g}" ) if len(mismatch) == 0:"No inference sites: no mismatch possible") else: "Summary of mismatch probabilities over sites: " f"min={np.min(mismatch):.5g}; " f"max={np.max(mismatch):.5g}; " f"median={np.median(mismatch):.5g}; " f"mean={np.mean(mismatch):.5g}" ) f"Matching using {precision} digits of precision in likelihood calcs" ) if engine == constants.C_ENGINE: logger.debug("Using C matcher implementation") self.tree_sequence_builder_class = _tsinfer.TreeSequenceBuilder self.ancestor_matcher_class = _tsinfer.AncestorMatcher elif engine == constants.PY_ENGINE: logger.debug("Using Python matcher implementation") self.tree_sequence_builder_class = algorithm.TreeSequenceBuilder self.ancestor_matcher_class = algorithm.AncestorMatcher else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown engine:{engine}") self.tree_sequence_builder = None # Allocate 64K nodes and edges initially. This will double as needed and will # quickly be big enough even for very large instances. max_edges = 64 * 1024 max_nodes = 64 * 1024 if np.any(num_alleles > 2) and not allow_multiallele: # Currently only used for unsupported extend operation. We can # remove in future versions. raise ValueError("Cannot currently match with > 2 alleles.") self.tree_sequence_builder = self.tree_sequence_builder_class( num_alleles=num_alleles, max_nodes=max_nodes, max_edges=max_edges ) logger.debug(f"Allocated tree sequence builder with max_nodes={max_nodes}") # Allocate the matchers and statistics arrays. num_threads = max(1, self.num_threads) self.match = [ np.full(self.num_sites, tskit.MISSING_DATA, np.int8) for _ in range(num_threads) ] self.results = ResultBuffer() self.mean_traceback_size = np.zeros(num_threads) self.num_matches = np.zeros(num_threads) self.matcher = [ self.ancestor_matcher_class( self.tree_sequence_builder, recombination=self.recombination, mismatch=self.mismatch, precision=precision, extended_checks=self.extended_checks, ) for _ in range(num_threads) ] @staticmethod def recombination_rate_to_dist(rho, positions): """ Return the mean number of recombinations between adjacent positions (i.e. the genetic distance in Morgans) given either a fixed rate or a RateMap """ try: return np.diff(rho.get_cumulative_mass(positions)) except AttributeError: return np.diff(positions) * rho @staticmethod def recombination_dist_to_prob(genetic_distances): """ Convert genetic distances (in Morgans) to a probability of recombination, (i.e. an odd number of events) assuming a Poisson distribution, see Haldane, 1919 J. Genetics 8: 299-309. This maxes out at 0.5 as dist -> inf """ return (1 - np.exp(-genetic_distances * 2)) / 2 @staticmethod def mismatch_ratio_to_prob(ratio, genetic_distances, num_alleles=2): """ Convert a mismatch ratio, relative to a genetic distance, to a probability of mismatch. A mismatch probability of 1 means that the emitted allele has a 100% probability of being different from the allele implied by the hidden state. For all allele types to be emitted with equal probability, regardless of the copying haplotype, the mismatch probability should be set to 1/num_alleles. For a small genetic_distance d, setting a ratio of X should give a probability of approximately X * r, where r is the recombination probability given by recombination_dist_to_prob(d) """ return (1 - np.exp(-genetic_distances * ratio * num_alleles)) / num_alleles def _find_path(self, child_id, haplotype, start, end, thread_index=0): """ Finds the path of the specified haplotype and upates the results for the specified thread_index. """ matcher = self.matcher[thread_index] match = self.match[thread_index] missing = haplotype == tskit.MISSING_DATA left, right, parent = matcher.find_path(haplotype, start, end, match) self.results.set_path(child_id, left, right, parent) match[missing] = tskit.MISSING_DATA diffs = start + np.where(haplotype[start:end] != match[start:end])[0] derived_state = haplotype[diffs] self.results.set_mutations(child_id, diffs.astype(np.int32), derived_state) self.match_progress.update() self.mean_traceback_size[thread_index] += matcher.mean_traceback_size self.num_matches[thread_index] += 1 logger.debug( "Matched node {} against {} available;" "num_edges={} tb_size={:.2f} match_mem={}".format( child_id, self.tree_sequence_builder.num_match_nodes, left.shape[0], matcher.mean_traceback_size, humanize.naturalsize(matcher.total_memory, binary=True), ) ) def convert_inference_mutations(self, tables): """ Convert the mutations stored in the tree sequence builder into the output format. """ mut_site, node, derived_state, _ = self.tree_sequence_builder.dump_mutations() mutation_id = 0 num_mutations = len(mut_site) progress = self.progress_monitor.get( "ms_full_mutations", len(self.inference_site_id) ) schema = tables.sites.metadata_schema.schema for site in self.sample_data.sites(self.inference_site_id): metadata = _update_site_metadata(site.metadata, constants.INFERENCE_FULL) if schema is None: metadata = _encode_raw_metadata(metadata) site_id = tables.sites.add_row( site.position, ancestral_state=site.ancestral_state, metadata=metadata, ) while mutation_id < num_mutations and mut_site[mutation_id] == site_id: tables.mutations.add_row( site_id, node=node[mutation_id], derived_state=site.reorder_alleles()[derived_state[mutation_id]], ) mutation_id += 1 progress.update() progress.close() class AncestorMatcher(Matcher): def __init__(self, sample_data, ancestor_data, time_units=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(sample_data, ancestor_data.sites_position[:], **kwargs) self.ancestor_data = ancestor_data if time_units is None: time_units = tskit.TIME_UNITS_UNCALIBRATED self.time_units = time_units self.num_ancestors = self.ancestor_data.num_ancestors self.epoch = self.ancestor_data.ancestors_time[:] # Add nodes for all the ancestors so that the ancestor IDs are equal # to the node IDs. for ancestor_id in range(self.num_ancestors): self.tree_sequence_builder.add_node(self.epoch[ancestor_id]) self.ancestors = self.ancestor_data.ancestors() # Consume the "virtual root" ancestor virtual_root_ancestor = next(self.ancestors, None) self.num_epochs = 0 if virtual_root_ancestor is not None: # assert np.array_equal(a.haplotype, np.zeros(self.num_sites, dtype=np.int8)) # Create a list of all ID ranges in each epoch. breaks = np.where(self.epoch[1:] != self.epoch[:-1])[0] start = np.hstack([[0], breaks + 1]) end = np.hstack([breaks + 1, [self.num_ancestors]]) self.epoch_slices = np.vstack([start, end]).T self.num_epochs = self.epoch_slices.shape[0] self.start_epoch = 1 def __epoch_info_dict(self, epoch_index): start, end = self.epoch_slices[epoch_index] return collections.OrderedDict( [("epoch", str(self.epoch[start])), ("nanc", str(end - start))] ) def __ancestor_find_path(self, ancestor, thread_index=0): # NOTE we're no longer using the ancestor's focal sites as a way # of knowing where mutations happen but instead having a non-zero # mutation rate and letting the mismatches do the work. We might # want to have a version with a zero mutation rate. haplotype = np.full(self.num_sites, tskit.MISSING_DATA, dtype=np.int8) start = ancestor.start end = ancestor.end assert ancestor.haplotype.shape[0] == (end - start) haplotype[start:end] = ancestor.haplotype self._find_path(, haplotype, start, end, thread_index) def __start_epoch(self, epoch_index): start, end = self.epoch_slices[epoch_index] info = collections.OrderedDict( [("epoch", str(self.epoch[start])), ("nanc", str(end - start))] ) self.progress_monitor.set_detail(info) self.tree_sequence_builder.freeze_indexes() def __complete_epoch(self, epoch_index): start, end = map(int, self.epoch_slices[epoch_index]) num_ancestors_in_epoch = end - start current_time = self.epoch[start] nodes_before = self.tree_sequence_builder.num_nodes match_nodes_before = self.tree_sequence_builder.num_match_nodes for child_id in range(start, end): left, right, parent = self.results.get_path(child_id) self.tree_sequence_builder.add_path( child_id, left, right, parent, compress=self.path_compression, extended_checks=self.extended_checks, ) site, derived_state = self.results.get_mutations(child_id) self.tree_sequence_builder.add_mutations(child_id, site, derived_state) extra_nodes = self.tree_sequence_builder.num_nodes - nodes_before assert ( self.tree_sequence_builder.num_match_nodes == match_nodes_before + extra_nodes + num_ancestors_in_epoch ) mean_memory = np.mean([matcher.total_memory for matcher in self.matcher]) logger.debug( "Finished epoch t={} with {} ancestors; {} extra nodes inserted; " "mean_tb_size={:.2f} edges={}; mean_matcher_mem={}".format( current_time, num_ancestors_in_epoch, extra_nodes, np.sum(self.mean_traceback_size) / np.sum(self.num_matches), self.tree_sequence_builder.num_edges, humanize.naturalsize(mean_memory, binary=True), ) ) self.mean_traceback_size[:] = 0 self.num_matches[:] = 0 self.results.clear() def __match_ancestors_single_threaded(self): for j in range(self.start_epoch, self.num_epochs): self.__start_epoch(j) start, end = map(int, self.epoch_slices[j]) for ancestor_id in range(start, end): a = next(self.ancestors) assert ancestor_id == self.__ancestor_find_path(a) self.__complete_epoch(j) def __match_ancestors_multi_threaded(self, start_epoch=1): # See note on match samples multithreaded below. Should combine these # into a single function. Possibly when trying to make the thread # error handling more robust. queue_depth = 8 * self.num_threads # Seems like a reasonable limit match_queue = queue.Queue(queue_depth) def match_worker(thread_index): while True: work = match_queue.get() if work is None: break self.__ancestor_find_path(work, thread_index) match_queue.task_done() match_queue.task_done() match_threads = [ threads.queue_consumer_thread( match_worker, match_queue, name=f"match-worker-{j}", index=j ) for j in range(self.num_threads) ] logger.debug(f"Started {self.num_threads} match worker threads") for j in range(self.start_epoch, self.num_epochs): self.__start_epoch(j) start, end = map(int, self.epoch_slices[j]) for ancestor_id in range(start, end): a = next(self.ancestors) assert == ancestor_id match_queue.put(a) # Block until all matches have completed. match_queue.join() self.__complete_epoch(j) # Stop the the worker threads. for _ in range(self.num_threads): match_queue.put(None) for j in range(self.num_threads): match_threads[j].join() def match_ancestors(self):"Starting ancestor matching for {self.num_epochs} epochs") self.match_progress = self.progress_monitor.get("ma_match", self.num_ancestors) if self.num_threads <= 0: self.__match_ancestors_single_threaded() else: self.__match_ancestors_multi_threaded() ts = self.store_output() self.match_progress.close()"Finished ancestor matching") return ts def fill_ancestors_tables(self, tables): """ Return the ancestors tree sequence tables. Only inference sites are included in this tree sequence. All nodes have the sample flag bit set, and if a node corresponds to an ancestor in the ancestors file, it is indicated via metadata. """ logger.debug("Building ancestors tree sequence") tsb = self.tree_sequence_builder flags, times = tsb.dump_nodes() pc_ancestors = is_pc_ancestor(flags) tables.nodes.set_columns(flags=flags, time=times) # Add metadata for any non-PC node, pointing to the original ancestor metadata = [] ancestor = 0 for is_pc in pc_ancestors: if is_pc: metadata.append(b"") else: metadata.append(_encode_raw_metadata({"ancestor_data_id": ancestor})) ancestor += 1 tables.nodes.packset_metadata(metadata) left, right, parent, child = tsb.dump_edges() tables.edges.set_columns( left=self.position_map[left], right=self.position_map[right], parent=parent, child=child, ) self.convert_inference_mutations(tables) logger.debug("Sorting ancestors tree sequence") tables.sort() # Note: it's probably possible to compute the mutation parents from the # tsb data structures but we're not doing it for now. tables.build_index() tables.compute_mutation_parents() logger.debug("Sorting ancestors tree sequence done") "Built ancestors tree sequence: {} nodes ({} pc ancestors); {} edges; " "{} sites; {} mutations".format( len(tables.nodes), np.sum(pc_ancestors), len(tables.edges), len(tables.mutations), len(tables.sites), ) ) def store_output(self): tables = tskit.TableCollection( sequence_length=self.ancestor_data.sequence_length ) # We decided to use a permissive schema for the metadata, for flexibility dict_schema = tskit.MetadataSchema.permissive_json().schema dict_schema = add_to_schema( dict_schema, "ancestor_data_id", node_ancestor_data_id_metadata_definition ) tables.nodes.metadata_schema = tskit.MetadataSchema(dict_schema) if self.num_ancestors > 0: self.fill_ancestors_tables(tables) tables.time_units = self.time_units return tables.tree_sequence() class SampleMatcher(Matcher): def __init__(self, sample_data, ancestors_ts, **kwargs): self.ancestors_ts_tables = ancestors_ts.dump_tables() super().__init__(sample_data, self.ancestors_ts_tables.sites.position, **kwargs) self.restore_tree_sequence_builder() # Map from input sample indexes (IDs in the SampleData file) to the # node ID in the tree sequence. self.sample_id_map = {} def restore_tree_sequence_builder(self): tables = self.ancestors_ts_tables if self.sample_data.sequence_length != tables.sequence_length: raise ValueError( "Ancestors tree sequence not compatible: sequence length is different to" " sample data file." ) if np.any(tables.nodes.time <= 0): raise ValueError("All nodes must have time > 0") edges = tables.edges # Get the indexes into the position array. left = np.searchsorted(self.position_map, edges.left) if np.any(self.position_map[left] != edges.left): raise ValueError("Invalid left coordinates") right = np.searchsorted(self.position_map, edges.right) if np.any(self.position_map[right] != edges.right): raise ValueError("Invalid right coordinates") # Need to sort by child ID here and left so that we can efficiently # insert the child paths. index = np.lexsort((left, edges.child)) nodes = tables.nodes self.tree_sequence_builder.restore_nodes(nodes.time, nodes.flags) self.tree_sequence_builder.restore_edges( left[index].astype(np.int32), right[index].astype(np.int32), edges.parent[index], edges.child[index], ) assert self.tree_sequence_builder.num_match_nodes == 1 + len( np.unique(edges.child) ) mutations = tables.mutations derived_state = np.zeros(len(mutations), dtype=np.int8) mutation_site = site_id = 0 mutation_id = 0 for site in self.sample_data.sites(self.inference_site_id): while ( mutation_id < len(mutations) and mutation_site[mutation_id] == site_id ): allele = mutations[mutation_id].derived_state derived_state[mutation_id] = site.reorder_alleles().index(allele) mutation_id += 1 site_id += 1 self.tree_sequence_builder.restore_mutations( mutation_site, mutations.node, derived_state, mutations.parent ) "Loaded {} samples {} nodes; {} edges; {} sites; {} mutations".format( self.num_samples, len(nodes), len(edges), self.num_sites, len(mutations), ) ) def __process_sample(self, sample_id, haplotype, thread_index=0): self._find_path(sample_id, haplotype, 0, self.num_sites, thread_index) def __match_samples_single_threaded(self, indexes): sample_haplotypes = self.sample_data.haplotypes( indexes, sites=self.inference_site_id, recode_ancestral=True, ) for j, a in sample_haplotypes: assert len(a) == self.num_sites self.__process_sample(self.sample_id_map[j], a) def __match_samples_multi_threaded(self, indexes): # Note that this function is not almost identical to the match_ancestors # multithreaded function above. All we need to do is provide a function # to do the matching and some producer for the actual items and we # can bring this into a single function. queue_depth = 8 * self.num_threads # Seems like a reasonable limit match_queue = queue.Queue(queue_depth) def match_worker(thread_index): while True: work = match_queue.get() if work is None: break sample_id, a = work self.__process_sample(sample_id, a, thread_index) match_queue.task_done() match_queue.task_done() match_threads = [ threads.queue_consumer_thread( match_worker, match_queue, name=f"match-worker-{j}", index=j ) for j in range(self.num_threads) ] logger.debug(f"Started {self.num_threads} match worker threads") sample_haplotypes = self.sample_data.haplotypes( indexes, sites=self.inference_site_id, recode_ancestral=True, ) for j, a in sample_haplotypes: match_queue.put((self.sample_id_map[j], a)) # Stop the the worker threads. for _ in range(self.num_threads): match_queue.put(None) for j in range(self.num_threads): match_threads[j].join() def _match_samples(self, sample_indexes): num_samples = len(sample_indexes) builder = self.tree_sequence_builder _, times = builder.dump_nodes()"Started matching for {num_samples} samples") if self.num_sites > 0: self.match_progress = self.progress_monitor.get("ms_match", num_samples) if self.num_threads <= 0: self.__match_samples_single_threaded(sample_indexes) else: self.__match_samples_multi_threaded(sample_indexes) self.match_progress.close() "Inserting sample paths: {} edges in total".format( self.results.total_edges ) ) progress_monitor = self.progress_monitor.get("ms_paths", num_samples) for j in sample_indexes: node_id = int(self.sample_id_map[j]) left, right, parent = self.results.get_path(node_id) if np.any(times[node_id] > times[parent]): p = parent[np.argmin(times[parent])] raise ValueError( f"Failed to put sample {j} (node {node_id}) at time " f"{times[node_id]} as it has a younger parent (node {p})." ) builder.add_path( node_id, left, right, parent, compress=self.path_compression ) site, derived_state = self.results.get_mutations(node_id) builder.add_mutations(node_id, site, derived_state) progress_monitor.update() progress_monitor.close() def extend(self, samples, known_haplotypes, node_metadata): """ Runs the "extend" operation by taking a set of samples, creating "exemplar" proxy samples when we have multiple identical sequences, then matching the exemplar (or the sample if unique) into the existing tree sequence, returning a new tree sequence. """ builder = self.tree_sequence_builder # Allocate nodes in the tree sequence consecutively for the input samples final_node_map = {} for sd_id in samples: self.sample_id_map[sd_id] = builder.add_node(0) final_node_map[sd_id] = self.sample_id_map[sd_id] distinct = collections.defaultdict(list) for sd_id, a in self.sample_data.haplotypes(samples): distinct[a.tobytes()].append(sd_id) distinct_parents = {} exemplars = [] for key, sd_ids in distinct.items(): exemplars.append(sd_ids[0]) if len(sd_ids) > 1 and key not in known_haplotypes: # Several sample data IDs correspond to this haplotype. So that we can # keep the output IDs contiguous, we remap the first haplotype to a # *new* node ID, that we turn into an internal node later. new_id = builder.add_node(0) distinct_parents[key] = new_id self.sample_id_map[sd_ids[0]] = new_id else: exemplars.extend(sd_ids[1:]) # Do the hard work self._match_samples(sorted(exemplars)) tsb = self.tree_sequence_builder tables = self.ancestors_ts_tables.copy() tables.edges.clear() logger.debug("Adding tree sequence nodes") flags, times = tsb.dump_nodes() # FIXME use this to get new PC ancestors # num_pc_ancestors = count_pc_ancestors(flags) # First add the sample nodes for *all* the input samples for sd_id in samples: final_node_id = tables.nodes.add_row( flags=tskit.NODE_IS_SAMPLE, time=0, metadata=node_metadata[sd_id] ) # Then add in the exemplar nodes that will become parents of the # actual samples for key, sd_ids in distinct.items(): if len(sd_ids) > 1 and key not in known_haplotypes: final_node_id = tables.nodes.add_row( flags=constants.NODE_IS_IDENTICAL_SAMPLE_ANCESTOR, time=1 / 2, ) assert final_node_id == distinct_parents[key] for sd_id in sd_ids: tables.edges.add_row( left=0, right=tables.sequence_length, parent=final_node_id, child=final_node_map[sd_id], ) # Add in the remaining non-sample nodes. for u in range(len(tables.nodes), tsb.num_nodes): tables.nodes.add_row(flags=flags[u], time=times[u]) logger.debug("Adding tree sequence edges") left, right, parent, child = tsb.dump_edges() tables.edges.append_columns( left=self.position_map[left], right=self.position_map[right], parent=parent, child=child, ) logger.debug("Sorting and building intermediate tree sequence.") tables.sites.clear() old_num_mutations = len(tables.mutations) tables.mutations.clear() tables.sort() tables.build_index() mut_site, node, derived_state, _ = self.tree_sequence_builder.dump_mutations() mutation_id = 0 num_mutations = len(mut_site) for site in self.sample_data.sites(self.inference_site_id): site_id = tables.sites.add_row( site.position, ancestral_state=site.alleles[0], ) while mutation_id < num_mutations and mut_site[mutation_id] == site_id: tables.mutations.add_row( site_id, node=node[mutation_id], derived_state=site.alleles[derived_state[mutation_id]], ) mutation_id += 1 tables.compute_mutation_parents() new_mutations = num_mutations - old_num_mutations f"Extended for {len(samples)} samples ({len(exemplars)} distinct) and " f"{new_mutations} new mutations." ) return tables.tree_sequence(), set(distinct.keys()) def match_samples(self, sample_indexes, sample_times=None): if sample_times is None: sample_times = np.zeros(len(sample_indexes)) builder = self.tree_sequence_builder for j, t in zip(sample_indexes, sample_times): self.sample_id_map[j] = builder.add_node(t) self._match_samples(sample_indexes) def finalise(self):"Finalising tree sequence") ts = self.get_samples_tree_sequence() # Check that there are the same number of samples as expected assert len(self.sample_id_map) == ts.num_samples return ts def get_samples_tree_sequence(self, map_additional_sites=True): """ Returns the current state of the build tree sequence. Sample nodes will have the sample node flag set and be in the same order as passed the order of sample_indexes passed to match_samples. For correct sample reconstruction, the non-inference sites also need to be placed into the resulting tree sequence. """ tsb = self.tree_sequence_builder tables = self.ancestors_ts_tables.copy() schema = self.sample_data.metadata_schema tables.metadata_schema = tskit.MetadataSchema(schema) tables.metadata = self.sample_data.metadata schema = self.sample_data.populations_metadata_schema if schema is not None: tables.populations.metadata_schema = tskit.MetadataSchema(schema) for metadata in self.sample_data.populations_metadata[:]: if schema is None: # Use the default json encoding to avoid breaking old code. tables.populations.add_row(_encode_raw_metadata(metadata)) else: tables.populations.add_row(metadata) schema = self.sample_data.individuals_metadata_schema if schema is not None: schema = add_to_schema( schema, "sample_data_time", definition=sample_data_time_metadata_definition, ) tables.individuals.metadata_schema = tskit.MetadataSchema(schema) num_ancestral_individuals = len(tables.individuals) for ind in self.sample_data.individuals(): metadata = ind.metadata if ind.time != 0: metadata["sample_data_time"] = ind.time if schema is None: metadata = _encode_raw_metadata(ind.metadata) tables.individuals.add_row( location=ind.location, metadata=metadata, flags=ind.flags, ) logger.debug("Adding tree sequence nodes") flags, times = tsb.dump_nodes() num_pc_ancestors = count_pc_ancestors(flags) # All true ancestors are samples in the ancestors tree sequence. We unset # the SAMPLE flag but keep other flags intact. new_flags = tables.nodes.flags new_flags = np.bitwise_and( new_flags, ~new_flags.dtype.type(tskit.NODE_IS_SAMPLE) ) tables.nodes.flags = new_flags.astype(np.uint32) sample_ids = list(self.sample_id_map.values()) assert len(tables.nodes) == sample_ids[0] individuals_population = self.sample_data.individuals_population[:] samples_individual = self.sample_data.samples_individual[:] individuals_time = self.sample_data.individuals_time[:] for index, sample_id in self.sample_id_map.items(): individual = samples_individual[index] if individuals_time[individual] != 0: flags[sample_id] = np.bitwise_or( flags[sample_id], constants.NODE_IS_HISTORICAL_SAMPLE ) population = individuals_population[individual] tables.nodes.add_row( flags=flags[sample_id], time=times[sample_id], population=population, individual=num_ancestral_individuals + individual, ) # Add in the remaining non-sample nodes. for u in range(sample_ids[-1] + 1, tsb.num_nodes): tables.nodes.add_row(flags=flags[u], time=times[u]) logger.debug("Adding tree sequence edges") tables.edges.clear() left, right, parent, child = tsb.dump_edges() if self.num_sites == 0: # We have no inference sites, so no edges have been estimated. To ensure # we have a rooted tree, we add in edges for each sample to an artificial # root. assert left.shape[0] == 0 max_node_time = tables.nodes.time.max() root = tables.nodes.add_row(flags=0, time=max_node_time + 1) ultimate = tables.nodes.add_row(flags=0, time=max_node_time + 2) tables.edges.add_row(0, tables.sequence_length, ultimate, root) for sample_id in sample_ids: tables.edges.add_row(0, tables.sequence_length, root, sample_id) else: tables.edges.set_columns( left=self.position_map[left], right=self.position_map[right], parent=parent, child=child, ) logger.debug("Sorting and building intermediate tree sequence.") tables.sites.clear() tables.mutations.clear() tables.sort() schema = self.sample_data.sites_metadata_schema if schema is not None: schema = add_to_schema( schema, "inference_type", definition=inference_type_metadata_definition, ) tables.sites.metadata_schema = tskit.MetadataSchema(schema) self.convert_inference_mutations(tables) # FIXME this is a shortcut. We should be computing the mutation parent above # during insertion (probably) tables.build_index() tables.compute_mutation_parents() "Built samples tree sequence: {} nodes ({} pc); {} edges; " "{} sites; {} mutations".format( len(tables.nodes), num_pc_ancestors, len(tables.edges), len(tables.sites), len(tables.mutations), ) ) ts = tables.tree_sequence() num_additional_sites = self.sample_data.num_sites - self.num_sites if map_additional_sites and num_additional_sites > 0:"Mapping additional sites") assert np.array_equal(ts.samples(), list(self.sample_id_map.values())) ts = insert_missing_sites( self.sample_data, ts, sample_id_map=np.array(list(self.sample_id_map.keys())), progress_monitor=self.progress_monitor, ) else:"Skipping additional site mapping") return ts def get_augmented_ancestors_tree_sequence(self, sample_indexes): """ Return the ancestors tree sequence augmented with samples as extra ancestors. """ logger.debug("Building augmented ancestors tree sequence") tsb = self.tree_sequence_builder tables = self.ancestors_ts_tables.copy() dict_schema = tables.nodes.metadata_schema.schema assert dict_schema is not None dict_schema = add_to_schema( dict_schema, "sample_data_id", node_sample_data_id_metadata_definition ) tables.nodes.metadata_schema = tskit.MetadataSchema(dict_schema) flags, times = tsb.dump_nodes() s = 0 num_pc_ancestors = 0 for j in range(len(tables.nodes), len(flags)): if times[j] == 0.0: # This is an augmented ancestor node. tables.nodes.add_row( flags=constants.NODE_IS_SAMPLE_ANCESTOR, time=times[j], metadata={"sample_data_id": int(sample_indexes[s])}, ) s += 1 else: # This is a path compressed node tables.nodes.add_row(flags=flags[j], time=times[j]) assert is_pc_ancestor(flags[j]) num_pc_ancestors += 1 assert s == len(sample_indexes) assert len(tables.nodes) == len(flags) # Increment the time for all nodes so the augmented samples are no longer # at timepoint 0. tables.nodes.time = tables.nodes.time + 1 # TODO - check this works for augmented ancestors with missing data left, right, parent, child = tsb.dump_edges() tables.edges.set_columns( left=self.position_map[left], right=self.position_map[right], parent=parent, child=child, ) tables.sites.clear() tables.mutations.clear() self.convert_inference_mutations(tables) logger.debug("Sorting ancestors tree sequence") tables.sort() logger.debug("Sorting ancestors tree sequence done") "Augmented ancestors tree sequence: {} nodes ({} extra pc ancestors); " "{} edges; {} sites; {} mutations".format( len(tables.nodes), num_pc_ancestors, len(tables.edges), len(tables.mutations), len(tables.sites), ) ) return tables.tree_sequence() class ResultBuffer: """ A wrapper for numpy arrays representing the results of a copying operations. """ def __init__(self): self.paths = {} self.mutations = {} self.lock = threading.Lock() self.total_edges = 0 def clear(self): """ Clears this result buffer. """ self.paths.clear() self.mutations.clear() self.total_edges = 0 def set_path(self, node_id, left, right, parent): with self.lock: assert node_id not in self.paths self.paths[node_id] = left, right, parent self.total_edges += len(left) def set_mutations(self, node_id, site, derived_state): with self.lock: self.mutations[node_id] = site, derived_state def get_path(self, node_id): return self.paths[node_id] def get_mutations(self, node_id): return self.mutations[node_id] def has_single_edge_over_grand_root(ts): # Internal function to check if this is a "raw" inferred tree sequence. if ts.num_edges < 2: # must have edge to grand root and above grand root return False last_edge = ts.edge(-1) if last_edge.left != 0 or last_edge.right != ts.sequence_length: return False # Not a single edge spanning the entire genome if ts.edge(-2).parent == last_edge.parent: return False # other edges point to the oldest node => not a virtual-like root return True def has_same_root_everywhere(ts): roots = set() for tree in ts.trees(): if not tree.has_single_root: return False roots.add(tree.root) if len(roots) > 1: return False return True
[docs] def post_process( ts, *, split_ultimate=None, erase_flanks=None, # Parameters below deliberately undocumented warn_if_unexpected_format=None, simplify_only=None, ): """ post_process(ts, *, split_ultimate=None, erase_flanks=None) Post-process a tsinferred tree sequence into a more conventional form. This is the function run by default on the final tree sequence output by :func:`match_samples`. It involves the following 4 steps: #. If the oldest node is connected to a single child via an edge that spans the entire tree sequence, this oldest node is removed, so that its child becomes the new root (this step is undertaken to remove the "virtual-root-like node" which is added to ancestor tree sequences to enable matching). #. If the oldest node is removed in the first step and the new root spans the entire genome, it is treated as the "ultimate ancestor" and (unless ``split_ultimate`` is ``False``) the node is split into multiple coexisiting nodes with the splits occurring whenever the children of the ultimate ancestor change. The rationale is that tsinfer creates a single ancestral haplotype with all inference sites in the ancestral state: this is, however, unlikely to represent a single ancestor in the past. If the tree sequence is then dated, the fact that ultimate ancestor is split into separate nodes allows these nodes to be dated to different times. #. Often, extensive regions of genome exist before the first defined site and after the last defined site. Since no data exists in these sections of the genome, post processing by default erases the inferred topology in these regions. However, if ``erase_flanks`` is False, the flanking regions at the start and end will be assigned the same topology as inferred at the first and last site respectively. #. The sample nodes are reordered such that they are the first nodes listed in the node table, removing tree nodes and edges that are not on a path between the root and any of the samples (by applying the :meth:`~tskit.TreeSequence.simplify` method with ``keep_unary`` set to True but ``filter_sites``, ``filter_populations`` and ``filter_individuals`` set to False). :param bool split_ultimate: If ``True`` (default) and the oldest node is the only parent to a single "ultimate ancestor" node, attempt to split this node into many separate nodes (see above). If ``False`` do not attempt to identify or split an ultimate ancestor node. :param bool erase_flanks: If ``True`` (default), keep only the inferred topology between the first and last sites. If ``False``, output regions of topology inferred before the first site and after the last site. :return: The post-processed tree sequence. :rtype: tskit.TreeSequence """ if split_ultimate is None: split_ultimate = True if erase_flanks is None: erase_flanks = True tables = ts.dump_tables() if not simplify_only: if has_single_edge_over_grand_root(ts): "Removing the oldest edge to detach the virtual-root-like ancestor" ) last_edge = ts.edge(-1) # Edge with oldest parent is last in the edge table tables.edges.truncate(tables.edges.num_rows - 1) # move any mutations above the virtual-root-like ancestor to above the # ultimate ancestor instead (these will be mutations placed by parsimony) mutations_node = tables.mutations.node mutations_node[mutations_node == last_edge.parent] = last_edge.child tables.mutations.node = mutations_node if split_ultimate: split_ultimate_ancestor(tables, warn_if_unexpected_format) elif warn_if_unexpected_format: logger.warning( "Cannot find a virtual-root-like ancestor during preprocessing" ) if erase_flanks and ts.num_sites > 0: # So that the last site falls within a tree, we must add one to the # site position (or simply extend to the end of the ts) keep_max = min(ts.sites_position[-1] + 1, ts.sequence_length) tables.keep_intervals( [[ts.sites_position[0], keep_max]], simplify=False, record_provenance=False, ) erased = ts.sites_position[0] + ts.sequence_length - keep_max erased *= 100 / ts.sequence_length f"Erased flanks covering {erased}% of the genome: " f"{ts.sites_position[0]} units at the start and " f"{ts.sequence_length - keep_max} units at the end" ) "Simplifying with filter_sites=False, filter_populations=False, " "filter_individuals=False, and keep_unary=True on " f"{tables.nodes.num_rows} nodes and {tables.edges.num_rows} edges" ) # NB: if this is an inferred TS, match_samples is guaranteed to produce samples # in the same order as passed in to sample_indexes, and simplification will # simply stick all those at the start but keep their order the same tables.simplify( filter_sites=False, filter_populations=False, filter_individuals=False, keep_unary=True, record_provenance=False, ) "Finished simplify; now have {} nodes and {} edges".format( tables.nodes.num_rows, tables.edges.num_rows ) ) return tables.tree_sequence()
def _post_process(*args, **kwargs): return post_process(*args, **kwargs) def split_ultimate_ancestor(tables, warn_if_unexpected_format=None): # Internal function: if a single oldest node is a root across the entire genome, # split it up into a set of contemporaneous nodes whenever the node children change ts = tables.tree_sequence() if not has_same_root_everywhere(ts): if warn_if_unexpected_format: logger.warning("Cannot find a single contiguous ultimate ancestor to split") return # Split into multiple contemporaneous nodes whenever the node children change genomewide_ultimate_ancestor_id = ts.edge(-1).parent genomewide_ultimate_ancestor = ts.node(genomewide_ultimate_ancestor_id)"Located the all zeros ultimate ancestor") root_breaks = set() edges = tables.edges j = len(edges) - 1 # the last edges are the ones connecting to the genomewide UA while j >= 0 and edges[j].parent == genomewide_ultimate_ancestor_id: root_breaks |= {edges[j].left, edges[j].right} j -= 1 root_breaks = sorted(root_breaks) assert root_breaks[0] == 0 if root_breaks[1] == tables.sequence_length: # Only a single edge: no splitting needed return"Splitting ultimate ancestor into {len(root_breaks) - 1} nodes") # detach the ultimate ancestor from all its children, so it can be simplified out tables.edges.truncate(j + 1) # Move the mutations above the ultimate ancestor to the new nodes mutation_ids = np.where(tables.mutations.node == genomewide_ultimate_ancestor_id)[0] mutation_positions = tables.sites.position[[mutation_ids]] mut_iter = zip(mutation_ids, mutation_positions) mutation_id, mutation_pos = next(mut_iter, (None, ts.sequence_length)) # Go through the trees, making a new root node whereever we hit a root_break # and recreating the edges to the children each time trees_iter = ts.trees() tree = next(trees_iter) left = root_breaks[0] for right in root_breaks[1:]: while tree.interval.right != right: tree = next(trees_iter) new_root = tables.nodes.append(genomewide_ultimate_ancestor) for c in tree.children(genomewide_ultimate_ancestor_id): tables.edges.add_row(parent=new_root, child=c, left=left, right=right) while mutation_pos < right: tables.mutations[mutation_id] = tables.mutations[mutation_id].replace( node=new_root ) mutation_id, mutation_pos = next(mut_iter, (None, ts.sequence_length)) left = right tables.sort() def minimise(ts): """ Returns a tree sequence with the minimal information required to represent the tree topologies at its sites. This is a convenience function used when we wish to use a subset of the sites in a tree sequence for ancestor matching. It is a thin-wrapper over the simplify method. """ return ts.simplify( reduce_to_site_topology=True, filter_sites=False, filter_individuals=False, filter_populations=False, ) def solve_num_mismatches(ts, k): """ Return the low-level LS parameters corresponding to accepting k mismatches in favour of a single recombination. """ m = ts.num_sites n = ts.num_nodes # We can match against any node in tsinfer if k == 0: # Pathological things happen when k=0 r = 1e-3 mu = 1e-20 else: mu = 1e-6 denom = (1 - mu) ** k + (n - 1) * mu**k r = n * mu**k / denom # print("n = ", n, "k = ",k) # print(mu, r) assert mu < 0.5 assert r < 0.5 ls_recomb = np.full(m - 1, r) ls_mismatch = np.full(m, mu) return ls_recomb, ls_mismatch class SequentialExtender: def __init__(self, sample_data, ancestors_ts=None, time_units=None): time_units = tskit.TIME_UNITS_UNCALIBRATED if time_units is None else time_units self.sample_data = sample_data if ancestors_ts is None: tables = tskit.TableCollection(sample_data.sequence_length) tables.time_units = time_units for site in sample_data.sites(): tables.sites.add_row(site.position, site.ancestral_state) tables.nodes.metadata_schema = tskit.MetadataSchema.permissive_json() # TODO should probably make the ultimate ancestor time something less # plausible or at least configurable. for t in [1, 0]: tables.nodes.add_row(time=t) tables.edges.add_row(0, sample_data.sequence_length, 0, 1) self.ancestors_ts = tables.tree_sequence() # Seed the known_haplotypes with the all-zeros haplotypes so that # we don't create a spurious node for it in the first generation. root_haplotype = next(sample_data.haplotypes())[1].copy() root_haplotype[:] = 0 self.haplotypes = {root_haplotype.tobytes()} else: self.ancestors_ts = ancestors_ts if time_units is not None and self.ancestors_ts.time_units != time_units: raise ValueError( f"Mismatched time_units: {time_units} != ancestors_ts.time_units", ) # Add in the existing haplotypes. Note - this will probably # be slow and might not be necessary/desirable at large scale. self.haplotypes = set() for h in self.ancestors_ts.haplotypes(): a = np.frombuffer(h.encode(), dtype=np.int8) - ord("0") self.haplotypes.add(a.tobytes()) self.node_metadata = sample_data.individuals_metadata[:] assert self.sample_data.num_individuals == self.sample_data.num_samples def _increment_ancestors_ts_time(self, increment): tables = self.ancestors_ts.dump_tables() tables.nodes.time += increment self.ancestors_ts = tables.tree_sequence() def extend(self, samples, num_mismatches=None, time_increment=None, **kwargs): num_mismatches = 0 if num_mismatches is None else num_mismatches time_increment = 1 if time_increment is None else time_increment ls_recomb, ls_mismatch = solve_num_mismatches(self.ancestors_ts, num_mismatches) self._increment_ancestors_ts_time(time_increment) manager = SampleMatcher( self.sample_data, self.ancestors_ts, allow_multiallele=True, recombination=ls_recomb, mismatch=ls_mismatch, **kwargs, ) ts, haplotypes = manager.extend( np.array(samples), self.haplotypes, self.node_metadata ) self.haplotypes |= haplotypes self.ancestors_ts = ts return ts